"We were sent to speak for Christ..." (2 Cor. 5:20).

Another version of the Bible says, "Now then we are ambassadors for Christ." When you receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior you became a representative for Him in this world.

Nations around the globe send ambassadors to other countries to represent their interests. And now you have been sent here to this country to look after the interests of the kingdom of God! Think about that! Everywhere you go today, you are representing the King of Kings. What an honor!

Perhaps it might seem a little intimidating too. God has equipped you to be His ambassador. He gave you His name and the power of His word. He put His own Spirit inside of you. He has also given you the ability to hear and follow directions of that Spirit. You are equipped! You have God inside of you!

Today, when you're at lunch, at work or...wherever you may be, begin to think differently about yourself. You are not just another ordinary man or woman, but an ambassador of Almighty God!

Talk to Him about how to be His representative in everything you do today. Let His interest be big on your mind and in your heart. You are an ambassador for Jesus Christ in this nation!

"You may be very ordinary, but God wants to make you extraordinary in the Holy Ghost" - Smith Wigglesworth

Teen Mania Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.