I've heard it said that family and friends are the hardest people to witness to. That's nonsense. You just have to have wisdom in how you share the Gospel with them.

Obviously, the one-on-one approach probably wouldn't be the best way. The best way to win them to Christ is by building a trusting relationship with them and when the time is right (the Holy Spirit will prompt you), you can share Jesus with them.

Rather than a brief encounter on the streets, this form of witnessing takes place over a longer period of time. For that reason, it's vital you live what you preach, because they'll be watching you very closely.

A Living Epistle
How you live your life will either be a powerful witness to them, or it will be an excuse not to believe the Word of God. As Christians, our lives should be a living epistle for all to observe.

Also, don't think you have to be the one to pray with a family member. That's pride. God knows exactly the right person to bring across their path to pray with them. If that's you, great! If not, who cares? What's important is that they get saved.

It says in Acts 16:31, "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house." Praise God, you can stand on that promise and see your whole family come into the kingdom through you or someone else.

What matters is that you're faithful to share the Word of God with them when the Holy Spirit prompts you.

Building Relationships
Some think this method of evangelism is reserved only for family and friends, but don't ignore the other minor relationships in your life like waitresses in your favorite restaurant, the bank teller in your bank, gas-station attendants, and the like.

Though you aren't close to any of these people, you do have somewhat of a relationship with them. In fact, anyone you do business with or encounter on a regular basis is a candidate for building a relationship in which to share Jesus with him or her.

Before I went into full-time ministry, I worked in the post office. When I worked there, I ministered to a fellow employee named Nick and he got born again and started going to my church.

Ten years later I went back to visit with all the Christians who worked there (there were several). I asked Nick if any of the other Christians ever approached him to talk about Jesus and he said no.

That made me sad. Here this place was filled with Christians, who had the light and life of God in them and none of them reached out to their fellow employees with the Good News.

Every day we should live our lives with the knowledge that we are somebody's divine appointment, to introduce him or her to Jesus. We must be obedient to take advantage of the opportunities that come our way to share the love of God. We must!

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