No, this blog post isn’t about Duck Dynasty. It’s about having the expectation that God’s going to do great things this year.

There’s a phrase in the business world called BHAG – Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals. It’s about setting reach-for-the-stars kinds of goals, and then galvanizing your team to achieve them.

Christianity has their own version of this, but it involves prayer – Big, Hairy, Audacious Prayer. It’s reach-for-the-stars kind of prayer, asking God to do things in your life and ministry that only He can do, and expecting Him to do them.

God is interested in answering BHAPs that glorify Him. These are faith-filled prayers that bring about heart change. Changing hearts is something God loves to do because it’s something ONLY He can do. He gets all of the credit!
So what does a BHAP look like? It looks like a prayer for the prodigal son to return home. It’s a prayer asking God to help you love someone who’s not-quite-loveable. It’s a prayer of pleading for the ability to forgive someone who has wronged you. It’s asking God to woo the hearts of an entire generation of young people, so they will be passionate followers of Him, ready to change the world.

That’s my BHAP. I want God to use me as part of His wooing of an entire generation. I wake up every morning asking Him to fill my mind with new, creative ways to demonstrate His love for young people and to encourage and inspire them to put their faith 100% in Him.

I want to provoke young people to passionately pursue Jesus Christ and take His life-giving message to the ends of the Earth! It’s a big, hairy, audacious prayer that ONLY the Lord can do.

The awesome part of praying a BHAP is seeing God work through you and me to accomplish the prayer. That’s right! He works through individuals to achieve these awesome things for His glory.

He’s inviting you to be a part of this. He’s galvanizing His team to achieve a reach-for-the-stars kind of goal. I know what my BHAP is for 2016, and I’m waiting expectantly for the Lord to see it through.

The opportunity is before you. Place your trust in the Lord, make a choice based on faith, and rest in His grace to accomplish the impossible!
What is your BHAP for 2016?

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