A Healing Prayer
I was particularly moved by the testimony of one of my church members—a gentleman who works at a local public school. Like many other individuals in our church, he had jumped into the river of God's Spirit with abandon.

He had learned to overcome his fear of man and would step out and run if he "saw" himself doing so. Through some seemingly "foolish acts," he had begun to train his will to respond when the Holy Ghost prompted him.

One day, he went to visit a friend in the hospital. Following a brief visit and time of prayer, he was walking down the hall on his way out of the hospital when his attention was drawn to a man in a bed in one of the rooms. As he looked at the man, he suddenly saw a mental image of himself praying for this gentleman.

In times past he probably would have shrugged off such an image as being just a random thought. He might have argued with himself momentarily and then just continued on his way. But those days were over for this child of God.

He had been trained in being yielded and bold in our Holy Ghost services. He had learned that the Spirit of God puts such images in our minds as a vital means of imparting direction. He had learned that when he acted on such promptings, the power of God invariably filled the situation.

So, this gentleman did just what he had seen himself doing. He walked into the man's room and said, "You don't know me, but I believe God has instructed me to lay hands on you and pray for your healing. Is that OK with you?" The surprised man nodded his approval, and my friend followed through.

The moment he began to pray, the power of God fell and a fist-sized tumor disappeared in that man's abdomen. An exploratory surgery scheduled for later that day revealed nothing but a healthy internal system.

A Healing Touch
I experienced something similar myself not too long ago. I had been invited to preach on a Sunday night at a Word of Faith church with a wonderful, Spirit-filled congregation. The church was pastored by a friend of mine.

What I didn't know was that there was a woman in the service that night who had come from a nearby state because she had heard I was going to be ministering in that church.

Several years earlier this woman had suffered a stroke that had left her paralyzed on one entire side of her body. She had been confined to a wheelchair ever since. Apparently this woman had been watching our weekly television broadcast for some time and had been blessed by it.

When she heard that I was going to be near her state, she made a confident pronouncement to her family: "If you'll take me down to that meeting, Mac Hammond will pray for me, and I'll be healed."

Her family, not wanting to take a chance on traveling all that way and then suffering disappointment if I didn't pray for her, called ahead to the church to let someone know she was coming. They left a detailed message describing the situation along with instructions to pass the message on to me. Well, for some reason, I never got the message.

As I preached that night, I experienced one of the most powerful anointings I've ever felt. As I ministered the Word, I kept feeling myself drawn to a certain section of the sanctuary. As it turned out, it was the section in which this woman was seated.

Suddenly, about halfway through the sermon, I had one of those seeing-and-knowing images pop into my mind. It was an image of me doing something I'd never done in a sermon before in my life, nor had I ever seen anyone else do.

But I recognized this as a prompting of the Spirit, so I obeyed.

As I continued to preach, I walked over to that lady in the wheelchair, leaned down, touched my cheek lightly to one side of her face and gently cradled her other cheek in my hand. I kept preaching my sermon in that position until I felt a release (probably 10 seconds) and then stood up and continued on my way.

I didn't know that this lady had come from out of state so that I could lay hands on her, nor did I know that the side of her face that I touched with my cheek was the side that was paralyzed. I was just doing what I saw and knew to do.

The result was supernatural as the power of God came to destroy the yokes and remove the burdens, and that sweet child of God came out of that wheelchair healed that night!

These testimonies are just a few of the countless testimonies of the people in our church—ordinary Christians doing extraordinary things because they have learned to yield to what the Spirit shows them.

God is no respecter of persons, and the same will hold true for you, too, as you determine to yield to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in your everyday life.

Source: Yielded and Bold by Mac Hammond.