There are many aspects involved in living the life of faith and one of them is maintaining a right mental attitude. Do you believe God is an all-knowing God? Hebrews 4:13 tells us that everything we do is open and naked unto the eyes of Him with Whom we have to do.

There is nothing hidden from God. It also tells us that He is able to discern the thought and intent of our heart. He wouldn't be God if He didn't know those things. He's an all-knowing God.

The Bible tells us that He even knows your need before you ask. You're not kidding God when you make Him promises you don't intend to fulfill.

When I was a young boy growing up, I made Him promises that I would serve Him if He would do certain things. And He would always come through and do His part, but I didn't keep my end of the bargain.

God knows everything about you. However, there is a fellow who doesn't know you that well. His name is Satan. Somebody said, "Does Satan know my thoughts?" He does not. The only thing he knows about you is what influences you and what you yield to. Someone may ask, "Can he read my mind?" No, he can only read the thoughts that you allow him to place there.

Satan does not know you like God knows you. The only way he can find out about how you will react is to test you in different situations. He's got an experiment going on with you.

The Bible tells us that God has recorded every idle word that comes out of our mouth. Satan, too, has a little messenger who records all of our words and actions. His messenger then reports back to headquarters, and Satan learns about you through your actions.

For instance, let's say that I am being tested by the devil where sickness is concerned. I have these symptoms in my body, and I will either talk the Word or talk the problem. Now, if I say, "Oh, dear God, I'm going to die." Then Satan's messenger reports back, "Every time he gets a symptom, he talks death. That's good - he's snared by the words of his mouth. We can use that, master."

Remember, words are vehicles or carriers. They'll bring success or failure. They bring life or death. Proverbs 18:21 says, Death and life are in the power of the tongue...We must begin to speak positive confessions, and then the next time Satan's messenger comes back for an attack, we'll blow him away with "Thus saith the Lord, it is written..." And his messenger will run back and say, "Something happened, boss. He's changed while I was away."

Winning is easy. It's the talking yourself into winning that's difficult. Remember, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. You're not going to be able to talk positive if your heart is full of negative things.

It's your decision to have a right mental attitude about life's circumstances. Remember that God's Word is the foundation of a right mental attitude. Study these principles and allow them to get on the inside of you:

1. A right mental attitude is more than wishful thinking. It is actually facing each day with a positive expectancy.

2. A right mental attitude is having a proper understanding of the problems you face, their source, and knowing how to approach them with God's Word. You need to know your enemy and how he operates. You need to know his weaknesses. I'll tell you two of them:

(a) He cannot stand PRAISE; and
(b) He cannot stand the WORD OF GOD!

He has no refuge from them. He has to flee from them. He cannot tolerate either.

3. A right mental attitude enables you to possess peace, calmness, self-control and the determination to win no matter how difficult your situation may seem.

4. A right mental attitude demands that you drive out all negatives from your consciousness and focus on God's Word.

Today's Scriptures: Isaiah 26:3; I Peter 1:13

Source: Faith Building Daily Devotionals by Jerry Savelle
Excerpt permission granted by Jerry Savelle Ministries International