I once heard about a youth pastor in Florida who sacrificed his ten-year-old-daughter to convey his sincerity to God and his calling. It's hard to believe that someone could be so misled and so deceived. How could anyone destroy the life of their own child by claiming they were doing it for God?

But what really bothers me is reports I hear of this going on around the country every week.

You haven't heard it on the news because it is secretly being done to children under the radar of public view. Around the nation people are sacrificing their children and their marriages all under the name of God.

No, they are not physically killing them, just emotionally killing them and putting a knife of rejection into their soul. They're stoning family relationships and abandoning their higher calling as a mate and parent so they can counsel one more person and answer one more phone call.

Something has to change, folks. This curse lives on in many homes. I am continually hearing story after story of people who put their job above their families.

I've heard all of the hyper-spiritual jargon inspired by the devil with the intent to destroy our family. "I was called to serve God before I was ever married or had children," or, "My children understand the great anointing on my life and God has called me to take it to the world," or, "The Lord is protecting my children's hearts which allows me to keep the pace I do."

C'mon, get real. Those are excuses so you can continue in your selfish pursuit of being a hero and savior. The reason your kids don't miss you or comment about you being gone so much is because your family operates as though you don't exist.

Trust me, you're hearing from goof up number 456,982. Sad to say, I've been there. I have committed family abuse in the name of God. Eight years ago when my son was almost three he came to my wife and said, "Mommy, I wish I was sick and in the hospital." Kim asked him why he would say such a thing. "Because then my daddy would come and see me."

OUCH! I wasn't doing it intentionally, but I was caught up in the rat race of my job. From that day forward I began to adjust my schedule, re-evaluate my value system, and live my priorities.

It is crucial that we schedule family events, family nights, and date nights with our spouse. If we don't block it out on our calendar, it will not happen on its own. The pressure around us is too great and it will squeeze every ounce of family time out of us.

Something I learned years ago from a close friend is, "You don't have to explain to everyone what is on your schedule and why you can't meet with them. It is none of their business what your other personal or professional commitments are."

I have used this principle over and over as I protect my family time. Take some extra time tonight with each of your kids in their room before they go to bed. These are the little talks that they will remember for a lifetime!

Copyright © Dean Hawk Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.