Proverbs 12:22 (NLT)
The Lord hates those who don't keep their word, but he delights in those who do.

God is a God of His Word. In fact, He is His Word. Jesus is God's Word made flesh. He and God are one. He made us in His image, therefore, He expects us to behave like Him.

God promised in His Word through prophesies that He would send Jesus (so we could learn from His example and to restore our relationship with Him), and He did. God gave us Jesus and His written Word so we can get to know Him through them. Then when Jesus left earth, God sent us His Holy Spirit so He could dwell in every one of us. He did that so each person can know Him personally and to give us specific, personal direction in our lives.

The Bible says God hates those who don't keep their word because they are the opposite of who He is—a person of His Word. But He delights in those who do keep their word. This includes your word toward God and toward people. He wants us to treat others as we want to be treated, and we all want people to keep their word and promises to us.

In the workplace, being a person of your word means you do what you said you would do. It means that if you are working on a project, you deliver the expected results on the promised date. If you are working in a team, you do your part and help the team be successful.

At home it means you do what you promised your friends, spouse, or kids you would do. You show up to their games or take them to places if you promised them. Of course, there will be outside circumstances when we won't be able to fulfill our promise, but let those be the exception, not the rule. Otherwise, always keep your word.

Source: Devotions for Working Women by Marcia Malzahn.
Excerpt permission granted by Marcia Malzahn.