Not Counting Up Sins

by Tim Davidson | Devotions, Featured Devotions

“Namely, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed to us the word of reconciliation.”

(2 Cor. 5:19 NASB)

This verse is life changing if we believe it is intended for us. God is not counting up our sins and holding them against us. Jesus has washed them all away and there is no more evidence of them to accuse us. Jesus has totally canceled our sins.

The Message Bible says: “God put the world square with himself through the Messiah, giving the world a fresh start by offering forgiveness of sins. God has given us the task of telling everyone what he is doing.”

We must not follow in the paths of religious tradition that develops a great sense of unworthiness in its followers. Whenever they pray they feel they have to ask for forgiveness and beg for mercy.

They act as though they have never been born again, as though their sins have never been put away, and as though they have no approach to God. They think the Father looks at them with suspicion and doubt. It’s not true. He’s not counting our sins against us. Jesus has put them all away once and for all.

Today’s Thought to Take With You:

God loves me and He doesn’t hold my sins against me. Jesus took them all away.

  • Reading Plan A: 2 Peter 2
  • Reading Plan B: Proverbs 28
  • Reading Plan C: Ezekiel 43-44; 2 Peter 2

Source: A Verse A Day
by Tim Davidson
Excerpt permission granted by
Word of Faith Church & Outreach Center

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Called to the Body of Christ as a pastor and teacher, Tim Davidson pioneered Word of Faith Church in Bismarck in 1980. He served as its Lead Pastor for 35 years and now serves as Founding Pastor. Pastor Tim has pioneered 6 churches in North Dakota and now serves as Regional Director for Rhema Ministerial Association International. Teaching believers foundational truths from God's Word is his passion.

He has authored 3 yearly devotion books that are used both here and overseas to help believers become "rooted and grounded" in their faith.

God is now calling Pastor Tim to share the treasury of wisdom and knowledge God has given to him with other pastors and churches.

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