Father, You have said in Your Word to make petitions, prayers, and intercessions and to give thanks on behalf of all men and for those who are in positions of authority so that we can live a godly and peaceful life. Father, we come humbly but boldly before Your throne of grace to receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need for our nation—the United States of America. By rights of creation, this nation belongs to You, for surely You have created this United States of America. This nation did not come from men. It came from You. You put the seed of this nation in men’s hearts even before they knew. You have saved other nations for Your name’s sake. We implore You to come in the fullness of Your glory for the sake of Your name in this nation.
Lord, let not the heathen say, “Where is their God?” Let not the blood of our forefathers be shed in vain, for they formed this nation under the guidance of Your very hand. Lord, we know Your honor is at stake. Do not allow Your glorious throne to be dishonored. The gulf between light and darkness has to be greater. The Church must be brighter and not look like the world because Your honor is at stake. The world dishonors the Church because they’ve not seen the Church shine. We cannot make ourselves shine. Only You can shine through us. It would be unjust of You, a righteous and just God, to not send the glory that for decades we have cried out for. We cannot wait any longer. It must come now, Lord. And if not us, who? If not now, when?
Not that long ago, You spoke through Your prophets and said there is one thing that will save America: an awakening to God. Awaken us, dear Lord! Awaken Your people and transform us to be the glorious Church. Pour out Your Spirit in our nation and cause a great awakening, an awakening of such degree and magnitude that not one would be left untouched. We call for the days where You said heaven and earth will come together, the days when Jesus operated and functioned in the earth full of the Holy Spirit and power. You have said the time has come for the body of Christ to work exactly in the same way, that we would speak to the spiritual realm and immediately see results in the natural because this is the time for Your Church, the body of Christ, to rise up in full measure, full of Your anointing and power.
Father, You never change and You are no respecter of persons. We have heard and read of revivals and moves of Your Spirit in times past in this nation; where entire crews on ships at sea came to salvation because Your presence manifested in such a degree that their need for You was undeniable; accounts of people falling to their knees in their homes crying out to be saved because Your presence permeated entire regions; countless testimonies of healings and creative miracles. Jesus said in the Great Commission that signs and wonders would go forth and we call for them.
Yet, today, there are multitudes of men and women who will not even step into a church, and many are deceived by false religions. But Jesus died for us all. Father, You must visit them and make Yourself known to them. You are not limited by man’s ideas of how, when, and where. We ask that this entire nation be flooded with Your power for Your arm is not too short to reach every person. As a righteous and just judge, how can You do anything else but send the glory?
Do You remember that in 1961, You showed Tommy Hicks a vision of the body of Christ rising up from slumber like a great giant? And when it stood and lifted its hands to You, it melted and fell as liquid drops of light that flooded the earth. Millions of people over the face of earth stood and praised You. Your anointing was upon these people as they went forth in Your name and they stretched forth their hands, healing the sick and the lame.
Father, You gave us this vision. We are helpless to make this happen ourselves. Oh merciful God, be true to Your Word and bring it to pass. Raise up the Church. Raise up the body of Jesus Christ to shine forth Your glory in the earth so that kings would come to our rising.
In Your Word, You have said that You will restore all that the cankerworm, the palmerworm, and the caterpillar have destroyed. How long must innocent children be abused, left alone, hungry for food, and starving for love? Even as George Mueller held fast to Your own words that You would be a Father to the fatherless, we do as well, for how else can it change but by Your hand? Your Word states that You will turn the hearts of fathers to their children, yet so many have abandoned their place as father. We cannot awaken them. Lord, as their Father, we know You would be pleased to provide and protect and strengthen them. You must do it for the sake of Your name!
Father, You have declared that You are preparing us for Yourself—a glorious body that will shake off every cord and every hindrance that has fastened itself upon it. Every weight will be removed so Your body can move in power and great glory and anointing. Father, only You can raise up the Church as a mighty army and cause them to sweep over the face of the earth manifesting Your glory through signs, wonders, and miracles. Because You are our redeemer, prove to the world who You are. Your Church belongs to You through redemption and You are responsible for the Church. You are the potter and we are the clay. Will You not remember us? How else will the world see You if not through the members of Your body?
We will not leave You alone until we see the outpouring You promised. We must see the rain. We must see the miracles. We must see the book of Acts come forth once again. Awaken the Church! Awaken our nation, oh Lord!
Awaken us to realize and know the fullness of the covenant that belongs to us. Help us to understand all of the rights and privileges that have been granted to us through the name of Jesus, through the blood of Jesus, and through Your written and spoken Word. We, the Church, can only say we are here today because of Your mercy and goodness. We plead that mercy and goodness one more time. You are our helper and we look to You. We seek You for new mercies because they are new and fresh every morning. Lord, You have invested far too much to stop now. Grant Your mercy upon our nation for the task is yet unfinished. We are asking for power—Your power—that is equal to all of our circumstances, all of our troubles, and everything our nation faces.
Again, You say in Your Word that You will perfect that which concerns us, and the spiritual and moral decline of this nation concerns us. This nation which was born of You is now looked down upon, laughed and scorned at, and even taken advantage of. This nation has sown many Gospel seeds and sent forth many missionaries to the world because You have said those who labor for the Gospel’s sake labor not in vain. Yet billions of people still do not know You. Oh Lord, there is a harvest of souls that must come in and more laborers must be sent. Lord, only You can make a way for them to go. Only You can put the desire in their hearts for the nations. Did You not say in Your Word to ask You for the nations as they are Your Son’s inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth as His possession? We ask You for all of them that not one would perish! We ask in Your Son’s name for the harvest of souls!
We present this plea before You on the basis of the blood of our forefathers who died as well. We ask, Lord, that this nation would be raised up to the glory of God. Not only for our own selves, but for the world to know that we are still a beacon of light for the Gospel, and that Your Words are still true. They are true in this covenant of faith that You have given us, and they are true within our constitution because it was born from Your heart.
You have declared through Your prophets that it is not time for the United States to fail nor collapse financially. It is not time for this nation to fold up spiritually and go the way of the world. You have said it is the time of this nation’s greatest hour, its greatest spiritual outpouring, its greatest financial blessing. You’ve also said through Your prophets that the Church would not grow weaker and weaker, but stronger and stronger for a fresh visitation of heaven is at hand. Lord, visit us! Today! Visit the United States of America now! Do as You have promised that Your name will be great forever and that Your name will be exalted!
Through Your Word and by Your Holy Spirit, You’ve revealed to us the authority we have in the name and blood of Jesus. And we have used the name and pled the blood and told the enemy, “Stop! And go no further!” Lord, Your name is at stake! Your honor must be respected! The enemy must stop in his operations against Your body and against this nation! This nation that You founded to send forth Your Gospel. Lord, awaken us!
You said that we, Your body, shall be reflectors of Your Light and shine forth in darkness and those blinded by Satan shall see. Your body—men and women inspired by You, equipped by Your Spirit, and called by You—has been set by You in the Church to shine, to testify, to preach, and to minister Your Gospel. Oh Lord, You are our Father. We are the clay and You are the potter so we are the work of Your hands that bring You glory. You have been an ever present help, so help us by sending a great awakening to the Church and to our nation. We have been given a vision of what You long to do, what You wait to do. We request You to do it now, for we stake our all on these promises for it is all for Your glory.
Father, raise up the church and help us to shake off those things that have hindered us. Break off the bonds of tradition and religion that have held us bound. Cause us to go forth with the pure revelation of truth that’ll cause the lame to leap for joy and the blind to see both spiritually and physically. Continue to seal Your promises in our hearts by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Help us to hold fast to the confession of our faith without wavering, for You, the one who has promised, is faithful to bring it to pass. Strengthen us in our inner man as we feed on Your Word and solidify our complete trust in You.
Father, there is a work that must be done. There is a ministry that must be accomplished before Jesus returns. The time is at hand for we see things happening in the world—wars and rumors of wars; pestilence and famines and earthquakes; men’s hearts failing them because of fear. You said when we see these things coming to pass to rejoice for our redemption draws near. Father, we ask in the name of Your Son, Jesus, for Your anointing and power to move in the Church. We pray for a revival of the power gifts to come into manifestation and all of the offices working together in the fullness of the Spirit of God. Your Word says that the glory of the latter house will be greater than the glory of the former house. Only by Your Spirit can we do the greater works that You said we would do. We are helpless unless You send it. In fact, You have rebuked us when we say we have done things on our own, so we are now fully dependent on You.
Father, we cannot wait any longer. We must have You. We remind You of the wounds of Jesus, the agony He endured at Gethsemane, the strong cries of Your Son as He prevailed for our world and our salvation and His cry from the cross: “It is finished.” Father, our Lord and Redeemer, Your glory must shine in and through Your body. We do not want man’s plans and purposes, but only Yours. Nothing is impossible for You and no Word from You is without power or impossible of fulfillment.
You said You will pour water upon those that are thirsty and send floods upon the dry ground. Quench our thirst, oh Lord. Make us thirsty for a manifestation of Your presence and power in our lives, in our church, in our schools, in our government, and in our nation.
Lord, let righteousness prevail. Permit the seed of righteousness, from which this nation was born, to not die, but continue to bear fruit for all men, in the name of Jesus. For it is by design, oh Lord, that this nation came to be.
Revive us again that Your people may rejoice in You, for then we will not depart from You. Revive us, give us life and we will call upon Your name. Restore us, O Lord God of hosts and cause Your face to shine in pleasure, approval, and favor on us and we shall be saved. Father, we are confident that no power which earth or hell could interpose, would be allowed permanently to stop revival from coming to the Church and our nation.
We know that Your desire is for all men to be saved and to know Your love personally. Therefore, Lord, we bring our plea before You. We set our case before You. We offer it in the name of Jesus, guaranteed by the blood of Jesus, sealed by the Holy Spirit, and laid out before You by Your own people. You are righteous and You will not let Your Word fall to the ground, and You are faithful to those who have sowed their lives for You. We fully expect the course of this nation to be aligned with Your plan, with Your ideas, with Your thoughts, with Your ways, and that You would sweep this nation up in Your arms, and again draw her to You. Draw her to You. Oh Lord. Draw her to You. Draw Your people to You in a great sweeping across this nation—a great sweeping, oh Lord. We request this of You. We require it of You.
In the name of Jesus, we believe we receive what we have asked of You. We believe that we have the will of God in the Church and in our nation and the answers to our prayers. Amen. So be it.
On the chilly March night in 1972 when Lynne Hammond took her first step into a life of Spirit-led prayer, she had no idea what was about to happen. All she knew was the hunger in her heart for God wouldn’t let her sleep. In the few short months she’d been born again, her desire to fellowship with Him had grown so strong she could hardly contain it. “Help me, God!” she cried. “I want to know you. I want to be able to talk to you. Please, teach me to pray!”
Suddenly, a heavenly presence flooded the room. Lynne sensed waves of spiritual fire sweeping over her and a beautiful language began to flow like a river from within her. Although she’d never heard of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, she knew instantly, without a doubt—this was God!
What began that night soon blossomed into a life of prayer that ultimately became a ministry of prayer when, in 1980, Lynne and her husband, Mac, founded Living Word Christian Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Under Lynne’s leadership, the prayer ministry at Living Word has become an internationally recognized model for developing effective pray-ers in the local church.
A teacher and an author, Lynne publishes a newsletter called Prayer Notes, has written numerous books, and currently serves as the national prayer director for Daughters for Zion. Her passion for inspiring and leading others into the life of Spirit-led prayer continues to take her around the world to minister to believers whose heart cry, like hers, is “Lord, teach me to pray!”