ProsperityFrom Genesis to Revelation

by Gloria Copeland | Uncategorized

“A faithful man shall abound with blessings” (Prov. 28:20).

Prosperity. Everybody wants it. We’ve heard much teaching on it. We’ve been told to owe no man anything except to love him (Rom. 13:8). We’ve been told that God wants us to prosper (3 John 2). We’ve been encouraged to live debt free. But what many believers haven’t heard is how their everyday decisions to obey, or not to obey, seemingly unrelated Bible commands directly impact their financial prosperity.

You see, you can’t separate God’s financial principles from any of His other principles. All of them work together. So you have to live according to the entire Bible to have a good foundation for godly prosperity.

For example, the primary commandment Jesus gave us is to “love one another” (John 15:12). To the casual observer, that commandment may seem to have nothing to do with money, yet to have true prosperity, love must be the guiding force of your life.

Think of it this way. Every action you take, every godly decision you make, every time you go love’s way, you’re putting another block on your foundation of prosperity.

When you pray for your enemies instead of hating them, you become a candidate for increase. When you turn away from immorality, you’re turning toward blessing. When you see things in your life that you know aren’t right and you correct them according to the Word of God, you’re preparing yourself to handle greater financial abundance.

In Proverbs, you’ll find out, for example, that the quality of faithfulness and blessing of prosperity are tied together closely (28:20). Wherever you find one, you’ll find the other.

According to Webster’s Dictionary, a faithful man is one who “adheres to duty, of true fidelity, loyal, true to allegiance, and constant in the performance of duties or services.”

Luke 16:10 (AMP) says, “He who is faithful in a very little [thing], is faithful also in much; and he who is dishonest and unjust in a very little [thing], is dishonest and unjust also in much.” So if you want to be trusted with more and be promoted to a better job, you have to be faithful and honest in the job you have right now.

If you really want to prosper…apply all of the principles of God’s Word—from Genesis to Revelation.

Speak the Word: I am faithful, and I shall abound with blessings. (Prov. 28:20)

For Further Study: 1 Peter 3:8-11

Daily Scripture Reading: Ezek. 8-9; Ps. 96

Excerpt permission granted by
Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc.
aka:  Kenneth Copeland Ministries

For the last 50 years Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have been passionately teaching Christians all over the world how to apply the principles of faith found in God's WORD to their lives.

They have seven ministry offices around the world: United States, Canada, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Ukraine and Latin America. Their God-given directive is to preach and teach the uncompromised WORD of God on every available voice, which is being accomplished through a variety of channels, including our Believer's Voice of Victory TV and radio broadcasts, podcast and magazine; Believers' Conventions, Victory Campaigns and Living Victory meetings; published books, website, and social media channels, to name a few.

With the expansion of technology, they have more work to do now than ever. They are determined to let the world know Jesus is LORD, and they are not slowing down anytime soon!


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