Redeeming the Time

by Lynne Hammond | Uncategorized

Walk in wisdom … redeeming the time.
Colossians 4:5

How will we ever fit all the Christian disciplines into our already crowded lives?

We do it by redeeming the time we’ve been wasting!

If we would just turn off the television, hang up the telephone, or log off the Internet, most of us would easily be able to tithe our time to God. We’d be able to give Him a couple of hours out of the 24 He has given us every day.

If we’d spend that amount of time on the potter’s wheel each day, God could make the changes we so desperately need. He could get us the grace we need to walk in healing, deliverance, and victory. He could complete that good work He has begun in us.

If we spent just an hour or two with Him every day, we’d never be dry and stale. We’d have a living vibrant relationship with God. Instead of trying to live on principles alone, we’d be constantly feasting on the freshness of His presence.

Dear fellow pray-er, let’s make a fresh commitment to the potter’s wheel. Let’s dedicate more of our time to the spiritual disciplines, using them as God intended—as transportation to transformation!

Sure, we’ll have to make some natural changes and sacrifices to sow that kind of time into our spiritual lives. But remember this:

Whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. (Galatians 6:7 – 9)

Keep sowing to the spirit.

Go daily to the potter’s house.

Scripture Reading: Proverbs 2:1 – 9

Source: Devotions for the Praying Heart by Lynne Hammond.
Excerpt permission granted by Lynne Hammond Ministries  

On the chilly March night in 1972 when Lynne Hammond took her first step into a life of Spirit-led prayer, she had no idea what was about to happen. All she knew was the hunger in her heart for God wouldn’t let her sleep. In the few short months she’d been born again, her desire to fellowship with Him had grown so strong she could hardly contain it. “Help me, God!” she cried. “I want to know you. I want to be able to talk to you. Please, teach me to pray!”

Suddenly, a heavenly presence flooded the room. Lynne sensed waves of spiritual fire sweeping over her and a beautiful language began to flow like a river from within her. Although she’d never heard of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, she knew instantly, without a doubt—this was God!

What began that night soon blossomed into a life of prayer that ultimately became a ministry of prayer when, in 1980, Lynne and her husband, Mac, founded Living Word Christian Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Under Lynne’s leadership, the prayer ministry at Living Word has become an internationally recognized model for developing effective pray-ers in the local church.

A teacher and an author, Lynne publishes a newsletter called Prayer Notes, has written numerous books, and currently serves as the national prayer director for Daughters for Zion. Her passion for inspiring and leading others into the life of Spirit-led prayer continues to take her around the world to minister to believers whose heart cry, like hers, is “Lord, teach me to pray!”

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