The Word and Witnessing

by Jerry Savelle | Uncategorized

Every person I share Jesus with gets born again. Not one of them goes to hell, not one of them. Do you know why? Because I believe God will not let His Word return unto Him void.

That’s how I brought one of my cousins to the Lord. I walked into his house one day and told him what God had done for me. I shared the Word with him—the ministry of reconciliation. He was on drugs at the time and thought I was crazy.

He didn’t want to hear what I had to say; in fact, he politely asked me to leave. I walked to my car, turned and pointed my finger at him, and said, “I may be a nut, but I tell you one thing, you’re going to be just like me.”

“But I don’t want to be like you.”

I said, “It’s too late. I’ve already shared the Word with you. You’ll be just like me. You’ll keep thinking about what I’ve said until you have to make Jesus the Lord of your life.”

Later he came to Jesus and was filled with the Holy Spirit.

I tell you, friend, every person I share Jesus with gets born again. Why? Because God says His Word will not return to Him void. I’m a winner with every person.

Someone once asked me, “How can you be so sure?” Because of God’s Word!

“But what if the person deliberately turns and walks away? It’s very obvious he doesn’t believe what you say. What then?”

It’s too late. The seed has already been planted. He may not act on it right then, but someday he will. What we have to learn to do is just let the Word work.

I remember an incident that took place one night while I was witnessing in front of Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. There was a place right across from TCU called “The Library” where students went in the evenings. I would wait around outside the door until some of them came out.

When one young man walked out, I started sharing Jesus with him. He said, “Man, I don’t want to hear what you’ve got to say. I’m enjoying what I’m doing.” But I kept sharing the Word. Finally, he said, “Look, I just don’t want to hear what you’ve got to say!”

“Just give me one minute and I’ll leave you alone.”

“Okay, I guess one minute wouldn’t hurt.”

I told him, “Listen, the Word says, If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.”

“So what?”

“I just wanted you to hear me say that.”


“Because now the seed’s planted. You don’t want to pray with me right now, but let me ask you one question: When the time comes in your life that you need Jesus, do you know how to receive Him?”

“What do you mean, ‘When the time comes’? I don’t intend to ever need Him.”

“But you will need Him. What I want to know is, do you know how to receive Him?”

“What do you mean, ‘how to receive Him’?”

“Let me say it one more time: If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. That’s the way you get born again. Do you know how when the time comes?”

“But the time won’t come.”

“But if it did, would you know what to do?”

“Well, I guess I would say what you just said.”

“That’s right.” Then I said, “Thank you,” and left.

By that time, I had learned something you may want to use in witnessing. I had learned to go back to the places I had visited before. The people who came there would start looking for me. They expected me to be there.

So the next night at the same time I went back to “The Library.” Do you know what happened? That same guy walked up to me, only he didn’t come out of “The Library,” he came around the corner. He walked up and said, “My God, fellow, would you pray with me? I haven’t slept a wink all night!”

You see, the Word had been planted in his heart, and it didn’t return void. I’m a winner with everybody I talk to about Jesus. I don’t care whether or not they pray with me right then. I’m not trying to see how many people I can chalk up who have prayed with me. The main thing I am interested in is planting seeds.

Many times as I have walked away from people who didn’t pray with me, I would say, “Father, I just want You to know I appreciate Your honoring Your Word. It won’t return void in that person’s life. It will prosper in the thing whereto You have sent it and accomplish that which You please. Looking through the eye of faith, I see that person born again; and I just thank You for it, Father, in the name of Jesus.”

God’s Word will not return to Him void, and it’s the Word that we need to share. If I don’t say anything except “Jesus loves you,” then the seed has been planted, and it will not return void! That’s the ministry of reconciliation.

The main thing that has caused people to fail in sharing Jesus is that they have approached it with a negative attitude. I know of people who have gone out to witness saying, “They’re not going to listen to us. They don’t want to hear what we’ve got to say.” And they get just what they have said! If you have that kind of attitude, then you are helping the devil prepare your way for defeat.

I don’t approach it that way. I expect every person I share with to be born again. Whether they do it right at that moment or ten years later isn’t important. As far as I’m concerned, the Word will not return void. If you will approach this with a positive attitude, you can be a winner with everybody you talk with.

Sharing Jesus is so thrilling. If you have never witnessed and shared Jesus with others, you are in for a real treat. There is absolutely nothing that can compare to the thrill you get the first time you lead someone to the Lord.

When we began, my wife, Carolyn, was very timid about witnessing. She would say, “I love God, but I just can’t walk up to a total stranger. I’m just uncomfortable doing that.” Finally, she sat in on one of the first sessions I ever taught on sharing Jesus with others. It was in a church in Fort Worth.

After the session, we took a group of young people to a shopping center to witness, and Carolyn went along. When we started, there were about 25 of us. By the end of the week, we had about 80. We led that many people to the Lord in a week’s time!

I remember seeing Carolyn standing in front of a supermarket at that shopping center with a young boy. His head was bowed as he prayed with her and accepted the Lord. After that, we couldn’t keep her out of the shopping center! Praise the Lord!

Sharing Jesus is a thrilling and exciting thing. And it isn’t hard if you understand what you are to do. We are not called to judge or condemn others for their sins. We are just called, commissioned, and empowered to share with them the Good News of what God has already done for them in Christ Jesus.

Believe me, it is much easier to take the word of reconciliation to the lost than to try to prove to them that they are going to hell. The sinner is already forgiven in the sight of God. What we need to do is let him know about it. That’s the reason we are ambassadors. We are representing Jesus, telling the Good News.

It is we, the believers, who are to share the Good News. If we don’t do it, it won’t get done.

Source: Sharing Jesus Effectively by Jerry Savelle.
Excerpt permission granted by Jerry Savelle Ministries International

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