And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, he [Jesus] went out and departed into a solitary place, and there, He prayed. (Mark 1:35)
Every day when I rise in the morning, I go to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, I grab my Bible, and I head to a hallowed place of prayer in our home. I shut the door to that room, which happens to be the TV room. There, I have a leather chair that has become my daily meeting place with God each morning. Recently, I looked at that chair, and it is practically ruined with “scratches” — crease marks — from the thousands of hours I have sat upon it as I’ve prayed. But those marks are precious to me because they represent countless hours I’ve spent sitting there, seeking the face of God and letting Him saturate my heart. Those scratches memorialize the place where I meet with God every morning, unless I’m traveling abroad. (When Denise and I are traveling, we both rise early and seek out separate places where we each can pray privately, just as we do when we are home.)
Denise kindly understands that as long as the door to our TV room is shut in the mornings, I am in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, reading my Bible, and allowing the Word of God to search my heart and soul to bring me into closer alignment with Jesus. Denise graciously never interrupts — unless it’s for some urgent reason. She knows that this time alone with God will make me a better Christian, a better husband, and a more devoted follower of Jesus Christ.
On days when I must be at morning meetings at our Moscow Good News Church — or on days when we are filming TV programs — I arise even earlier, because I simply cannot forgo this time with the Lord. So even on those days, I can be found there in the TV room — the door closed — seeking God and studying His Word before any of these other events take place.
I have learned that I cannot have productive days without this time with the Lord. During those early morning times, I pray and I pour out my heart to God with thanksgiving for all He has done in my life. I pray fervently for partners and for others who are on my prayer list. I virtually never start a day at home without sitting in that beloved chair to seek the face of God and to allow God’s Spirit to search my heart and bring me to a more intimate experience with Jesus.
When I think of this “hallowed” place that I have set apart for seeking God, my mind always goes to Jesus and to the fact that He would rise early in the mornings to seek a solitary place, where He could be alone with the Father and the Holy Spirit. We read of this in Mark 1:35, where the Bible tells us, “And in the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there he prayed.”
When the verse says that Jesus rose up “a great while before day,” the Greek actually says He arose while it was still dark. His disciples may have still been sleeping — but Jesus sought a secluded place where He could enter into fellowship with the Holy Spirit. He understood that the strength and anointing He needed depended on His fellowship with the Father and the Holy Spirit. So Jesus made it His highest priority to withdraw from the disciples and from the multitudes very early in the morning to spend time fellowshipping with the Father and the Holy Spirit without interruption. When everyone else was finally rising, He had already been touched and strengthened by God and was ready to emerge with a fresh touch of the Holy Spirit’s power on His life.
Because Jesus and the disciples were constantly on the move from one location to another, He did not have the luxury of having the same leather chair to retreat to each day as I do. The place where He spent time in prayer was frequently different. But one thing that was true of each location is found in Mark 1:35, where it says that Jesus always sought a “solitary” place where He would not be disturbed.
Actually, Mark 1:35 says he “departed into a solitary place.” The word “departed” is a form of the Greek word aperchomai, which, in this case, means to seek distance away from other things. Jesus may have walked to the top of a mountain, or into a ravine, but it was some place that was distant from His disciples and the multitudes. He deliberately sought “space” between Himself and others for this private time of prayer.
Mark went on to say that when Jesus arose, He went to a “solitary” place. The word “solitary” is the Greek word ermos, which describes a deserted place. To put it into today’s vernacular, we could say it was a remote spot, a place that was out of the way, somewhere off the beaten track, an obscure site, or an unfrequented location.
In other words, Jesus sought for a place where no one would accidentally find Him and disturb this solitary time in prayer. This demonstrates just how vitally important it was to Jesus to find time alone where the Father could speak to His heart and He could pour His heart out to the Father and fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
I don’t have a mountain to climb to find a remote location, and there are no ravines near my house. So I use what is next best — a room in my home that I have designated as “off-limits” during the time that door is closed. And during those “off-limit” times, I have deep and meaningful fellowship with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And just as Jesus emerged from His solitary times renewed in power, I come forth from my daily times refreshed, reinvigorated, filled with new ideas, and empowered for my day.
Such moments of solitude with God are critical to the daily victory of every believer!
I want to ask if you have a “solitary place” where you “depart” — that is, where you put distance between yourself and others so you can have isolated time with the Lord? He longs to have this time with you — and you must have it if you are to live as an overcoming, victorious, empowered child of God.
If you answered yes, where is your solitary place where you meet with God? If your answer is no, I urge you today to begin seeking a place where you can develop this meaningful time with God in prayer!
For me, it all happens in a scratched-up leather chair in my TV room — a chair that bears all the marks of the time I’ve spent alone with God. And I can tell you for sure that if you really want to have this type of solitary time with the Lord, He will show you where, when, and how to do it!
Heavenly Father, I make a fresh commitment to start each day by lifting my voice to You. Each morning, Lord, I will rise and present my life to You, waiting expectantly for what You will speak to my heart. I ask Your forgiveness for all the times I foolishly launched into my day without having read your Word, sought Your face, or consulted the Holy Spirit whom You sent to be my Counselor, Helper, and Guide. Father, how arrogant and misguided of me to believe I could walk effectively in wisdom and truth without having submitted myself to You first. Only through rich fellowship with You can I produce fruit that remains. Forgive me for mistaking busyness for fruitfulness. I abide in You and let Your words abide in me. I treasure the words of Your mouth more than my necessary food. Holy Spirit, I ask You to help me order my day and to keep it set around giving my time with the Father first place from this day forward.
I pray this in Jesus’ name!
I confess that I do not neglect my time in a “solitary place” with God. I deliberately designate an off-limits time and place where I can have deep, meaningful, and uninterrupted fellowship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Just as Jesus arose a great while before day to meet with the Father and then emerged from His solitary times renewed in power, I come forth from my daily times refreshed, reinvigorated, filled with new ideas, and empowered for my day. These moments of solitude with the Father keep my heart sensitive and yielded to Him while equipping me to possess my daily victory in the power of His might!
I declare this by faith in Jesus’ name!
Rick and Denise met while they were each on an individual quest to wholeheartedly follow God's plan for their lives. Rick was a college student, growing in his teaching ministry. Denise was a talented vocalist. She chose not to pursue a course that held the prospect of performing with the Metropolitan Opera so that she could instead pursue a relationship with Rick and fulfill her heart's desire to enter full-time ministry.
Rick and Denise's friendship has led to lifelong love and a powerful partnership in building the Kingdom of God. After a decade of ministry, first as pastor and then as itinerant ministers, Rick and Denise Renner embarked on an adventure of a lifetime. In January 1991, the Renners and their sons Paul, Philip, and Joel left behind all they knew to relocate their family to serve the region that only weeks earlier had become the former Soviet Union.
Rick and Denise remember kneeling together as a family and kissing the ground when they arrived at the airport in Latvia on that cold January day. At that moment, they all committed their lives to the will of God and to the people of their new homeland. The following year, Rick moved forward to launch and establish the first of its kind, and eventually the largest, a Christian television network in that region of the world.
Over the years, Rick and Denise pioneered three churches, a Bible school, and a ministerial association that serves thousands of Russian-speaking pastors throughout the former USSR as well as parts of the Middle East. As Rick began training and mentoring leaders in the early days, Denise also developed a women's ministry that is actively involved in changing the lives of women and their families today. Specifically, they minister to the needs of orphans, women prisoners, the homeless, and drug-and-alcohol addicts.
Rick, Denise, and their children began as a small circle of five, willing to go beyond their comfort zone to reach the uttermost parts of the world. Today that circle includes their sons' wives, six grandchildren, and a large ministry staff that helps the Renners extend their reach as they exalt Jesus Christ as the Hope of all nations.