cfaith Account FAQs
How do I change my contribution method/credit or debit card information?
To change your contribution method online, please click My Account here—login with your username (the portion of email before the and the same password as your primary email for your cfaith account.
Click on Account Info
Click on Billing Info
If you would like it to be on Auto Pay change the drop down to Credit Card or Echeck
Click Update
For Credit Card, Update Card enter the Credit Card number, Expiration Date, CVC code, and your zip code
Click Confirm
For Echeck here are the instructions:
Enter your bank name
Enter your email address
On the next window, click Agree and Continue

Find your bank name
Enter your login for your bank account
Choose the account you want to connect to if there is more than one
Enter the code that was sent to your phone number
Then you will check a box above this
By clicking Submit, you authorize us to debit the bank account specified above for any amount owed for charges arising from your use of our services and/or purchase of products, pursuant of our terms, until this authorization is revoked. You may amend or cancel this authorization at any time by providing notice to us with 30 (thirty) days notice. If you use our services or purchase additional products periodically pursuant to our terms, you authorize us to debit your bank account periodically. Payments that fall outside of the regular debits authorized above will only be debited after your authorization is obtained
To Make a payment
Click Billing
Make a Payment
Choose the invoice
Choose a payment type
If you wish to make a payment and update the information over the phone please call the cfaith Account Support team at (800) 748-8107 if you have any updates you would rather make over the phone during business hours. We are open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Standard Time.
Our contribution options are:
Credit/Debit Card for all account types and frequencies.
* Note: Credit/Debit cards outside U.S. must be drawn in U.S. funds.
Automated Echeck (Checking/Savings Account) withdrawal for all account types and frequencies.
Money Order/Cashier’s Check for all account and frequencies.
Mail payments to:
9201 75th Ave N
Brooklyn Park, MN
I want to add a new email address to my CFAITH account; how do I do that?
Please call us at 800-748-8107 Monday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Central Standard Time.