Genesis 2:7 tells us God formed man. In the original Hebrew, one definition of being formed is “squeezed together.” That is why man, many times, appears rugged.
But in verse 22, where we are told about God creating woman, the Hebrew means “skillfully and carefully handcrafted.”
The Lord showed me that this was so a woman would be desired and admired.
God says this woman was to be a “helper meet.” The word help means “to give aid and assistance,” and the word meet means “to surround.” You could say the woman is to continually surround with aid and assistance.
Ladies, that is what you are as a helper meet. You are skillfully and carefully handcrafted to be suitable, adaptable, and completing to a man. The way you become those things is by continually surrounding the one God has given you with aid and assistance.
Once you’ve accepted yourself as a woman, you are proud because your Creator saw fit to create you. He saw that you could flow and walk in that to perfection. God sees every creation as good and perfect – and that’s how you’re to see yourself!
Created According to God’s Plan
When you see yourself that way, you will see your mate that way. That’s important. You weren’t made for man to see himself differently than how God made him, but you were created to make yourself adaptable, suitable, and completing for him.
We read in Genesis 2:24 (AMP), Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and shall become united and cleave to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
The word cleave in the Hebrew means “to never stop chasing.” If you, as the woman, continually surround your husband with aid and assistance, he will never stop chasing you!
You are making him complete at all times; therefore, he desires to be around you. He always desires to have you with him so he is complete.
Jesus And The Church
The Church has a relationship with Jesus which parallels that between husband and wife.
We are the Church, the Bride, and He is the Bridegroom. When we look to Him, and go forth doing what we are placed on this earth to do, then He meets our every need. But when we’re not going forth, being His arms extended, there is that sense of not feeling Him around us – not being aware He is there.
When you, as a woman (because you were created for man), do not function as you should, making yourself suitable, adaptable, and completing for your husband, you don’t have the sense of fulfillment that is needed for him. That’s because you’re not doing what you’re supposed to be doing.
You have a big responsibility. It is important that you function as God created you.
Woman was created perfect – not just for God, but for man. That was lost in the Garden when Adam sold out to Satan, but through Jesus it has been restored. And through that restoration, through spiritual adoption in Jesus Christ, we can again be the perfect woman God created us to be. We are that unto God and man.
The Bible tells us that God placed the Tree of Life in the middle of the Garden. It was the Tree of Life which kept Adam and Eve perfect. Today we can see the parallel in Jesus. He is the tree of life to us.
By always feeding upon Jesus, the Word, we dwell and continue in our perfection in Him. We know who we are in Christ, and we can be just as He expects us to be. We can do just as He expects us to do. He is the One Who brought back the perfection that was lost in the Garden.
The Word tells us that when we accept Jesus we are a new creation. Our spirit, the real us, is perfect. This spirit within us makes us function and be perfected as we should here on this earth. We have to realize that, and walk in it. It’s important to meditate on the Word in these areas.
Sometimes we have difficulty with a certain thing. We think, “Why is this becoming so hard for me?” Then we realize we’ve not been meditating in the Word as we should. It’s not that we’ve lost the Word, but we’ve lost our awareness of it.
We haven’t been speaking it out. When we hear the Word, it penetrates within and becomes a reality. When it’s spoken out, the manifestation is complete. The Word has to be a part of us, but that will not happen until we feed on it continually.
We cannot receive strength and nourishment from food by simply sitting and looking at it every day at mealtime. But people will look at the Word and think, I don’t know what that means. They’ll put it on the shelf. It would be the same way in the natural if we sat down at the table and said, “I can’t tell if that food would do me any good.”
The Word is not just paper and ink – it’s life. And we need to be established through the Word on this subject of woman, wife, and mother.
by Harrison House Authors
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers
Pat is the daughter of Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin, pioneer and founder of the word of faith. She and her late husband Buddy Harrison worked for Kenneth Hagin for several years.
In 1978, by the direction of the Holy Spirit, Buddy and Pat co-founded Faith Christian fellowship International, a global family of churches and leaders who are committed to a spirit-filled life of faith. This was after having founded Harrison House Publishers and having owned and operated multiple corporations. Today, through FCF, there are thousands of ministers, churches and ministries, and outreaches around the world.
Pat is known for prophetic ministry to the awakening body of Christ in these last days with an emphasis on the love of God and living every day by the leading of the Holy Spirit.