Explosive Blessings

by Joel Osteen | Uncategorized

explosionblessingFrom time to time, we all face situations where we don’t see a way out. The obstacles look too big, or you’ve had the problem so long that your dream seems impossible.

This is the way the Israelites felt in scripture. They were headed toward the Promised Land. They had opposition from every direction. They felt overwhelmed, outnumbered, and inadequate. In the natural, they didn’t have a chance, but God said to them in Isaiah, “I will go before you and level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron… so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.”

You may have big obstacles in your path, situations in your health, your finances, or a relationship. You don’t see how it could work out; the odds are against you, but God is saying to you what He said to them:

“I’m going to go before you and level those mountains.”

Whatever is trying to stop you—a mountain of sickness, a mountain of addictions, a mountain of depression—may look insurmountable to you, but it is no match for our God. One touch of His favor will turn that mountain into level ground. That means you won’t even have to climb over it. It’s going to be easier than you think. You’re not going to have to struggle, work, worry, or fight. God is going to smooth it all out. It may be a mountain now; it may look intimidating, but don’t worry. It’s about to become level ground.

In scripture, the word used for God’s power in the original language is “dunamis.” That’s where we get our word “dynamite.” You know what dynamite does? It brings down buildings; it clears out anything in its path.

Those obstacles in your life, those mountains that have been holding you back, God is about to light that fuse. You’ve been faithful. You’ve given. You’ve served. Get ready for some explosions! God is about to level some things.

There’s about to be an explosion of good breaks, an explosion of healing, an explosion of freedom.

Those obstacles that have held you back are about to be blown away. God says He will level your mountains, not make a tunnel through them, not make a path around them, not even give you the strength to go over them. God is going to do something unprecedented and out of the ordinary. The scripture says, “So you will know He is the Lord your God.”

God wants you to know that He is all-powerful. He’s going to do some things in your life where you have no doubt that’s the hand of God. You haven’t seen anything yet. Get ready because God has some explosive blessings that are going to catapult you to the next level!

Copyright © Joel Osteen Ministries
All Rights Reserved. Used by permission.

Joel Osteen is a native Texan and the Pastor of Lakewood Church, which according to Church Growth Today is America's largest and fastest growing church.

On July 16, 2005 after completing $95 million dollars in renovations, Joel moved Lakewood Church into its new 16,000-seat home - the former Compaq Center. It is the largest regularly-used worship center in the United States. Each week Joel delivers God's message of hope and encouragement to more than 38,000 attendees.

According to Nielsen Media Research, Joel is the most watched inspirational figure in America. His weekly sermon is broadcast into every U.S. television market where it is viewed by seven million Americans each week and more than 20 million each month. His weekly broadcast is also seen in almost 100 nations around the world.

In 2004, his first book, Your Best Life Now, was released by Time Warner debuting at the top of the New York Times Bestsellers List and quickly rising to #1. It remained on the New York Times Bestseller for more than 2 years and has sold more than 4 million copies. Most recently, Joel was named as one of Barbara Walters' "10 Most Fascinating People of 2006" and he was selected as the "Most Influential Christian in 2006" by the readers of Church Report Magazine.

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