Fairy Tales or the Truth?

by Larry Ollison | Uncategorized

When I was seven years old I loved Vacation Bible School. It was a time of making baskets out of ice-cream sticks and ceramic bowls for Mom. We would hear stories about Noah and the ark, Daniel in the lions’ den, and Moses and the Egyptians. It was fun.

However, one time the pastor of the church said he wanted to speak to the children before we went home. So, they took us all into a classroom and he began to teach. Well, actually he began to preach. He preached a blistering message about hell.

In fact he preached as though he had just gotten back. The average child was under ten years old. We sat in shock as he vividly described screaming and gnashing of teeth.

That night while lying in bed, I started thinking about the sermon I had heard that day at Bible School. Needless to say, I got scared. I jumped out of bed, turned on the light and ran into my mother’s room.

I remember jumping on the bed and asking Mom this question. I said, “Mom, I’ve been told all these nursery rhymes and fairy tales, and later I was told they were not true. Isn’t that right?”

“That’s right,” Mom said.

“Well then,” I asked, “what about the devil? Is he real?”

I wanted her to tell me he was just like the monsters in the fairy tales. But my mother said, “Yes Son, he is real, but you don’t have to fear him if you believe in Jesus.” Then she sat me down and told me about Jesus in a way I could understand. I accepted Jesus that night. It was, of course, the greatest decision of my life.

It’s wonderful to know there are Christian adults who teach children the truth. Why should we teach our children about fairy tales? I don’t want to get into a deep theological discussion about their origins, but what I am saying is this: With the same breath it takes to tell about the Easter Bunny, we could be talking about the resurrection of Jesus.

Also, when we continually tell our children earthly myths and later have to tell them they were untrue, it plants the seeds of doubt in their minds about the true stories they are told in the Bible.

Isaiah 38:19 says, “The father (referring to earthly fathers), shall make known Your truth to the children.”

We need to make known the truths of God to our children. Many youngsters today are very confused. They hear one thing at church and then something different at home. This should not be. We must not be in conflict with the Word of God.

And let’s get real. Knowing the Word will set you free. Knowing everything in the world there is to know about fairy tales won’t help you at all.

Jesus said in John 8:31-32, “If you continue in My Word, then you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

We cannot be lukewarm when it comes to our children. We must determine to give them God’s truth from the beginning. It doesn’t take any more breath. It doesn’t take any more time. It doesn’t cost any more. When you’re dealing with children, wouldn’t it be better to just tell the truth?

Larry Ollison Ministries

All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Dr. Larry Ollison is founder and Senior Pastor of Walk on the Water Faith Church and founder of Larry Ollison Ministries. With over forty years in the ministry, he is a very popular speaker nationally and internationally and ministers the Word of Faith through radio, television, Internet, and daily e-mail devotionals. As the author of twelve books (including The Power of Grace, The Practical Handbook for Christian Living, Breaking the Cycle of Offense, Life is in the Blood, and recently released The Paradise of God), he is in frequent demand for radio/TV interviews, book signings, and magazine publications.

Dr. Ollison was raised a Southern Baptist. While majoring in theology at Southwest Baptist University, he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. For many years he traveled extensively speaking at Full Gospel Business Men's meetings and conventions. He later earned an M.A. in Theology and a Ph.D. and Th.D. from Life Christian University.

Currently President of International Convention of Faith Ministries (ICFM), Dr. Ollison is also Vice-President of Spirit FM Christian Radio Network, Missouri State Director of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), and a Trustee on the boards of several international ministries. He is also the host of The Cutting Edge Radio Broadcast and authors The Cutting Edge Daily Devotional.

As the owner of a marine dealership, his extensive business background brings a unique flavor to his teaching. He founded and served as chairman of the Missouri State Marine Board, President of the Marine Dealers’ Association, Vice-President of a bank holding company, along with holding several directorships in various corporations.

Dr. Ollison's strongest areas of teaching are the blood of Jesus, faith, relationships, the Hebrew language, the Holy Spirit, the end times, and heaven. During ministry, he operates freely in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. His use of humor and his ability to make a theological concept simple makes it enjoyable and easy for everyone to understand. Countless testimonies have been received from people who say their lives have been changed after experiencing Dr. Ollison's unique ministry.

Dr. Ollison is a pastor, pilot, teacher, and author. His number one goal is to meet the needs of the people through the teaching of faith in God's Word. He and his wife, Loretta, have two children and six grandchildren.

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