This the covenant that I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.
(Hebrews 10:16-17)
Under the Levitical law, the Word of God tells us that an animal had to be sacrificed every year to atone for the sins of the people. The word “Atone” means “to cover” and it’s used continually throughout the Old Testament.
But let me tell you something exciting. It’s never used in the New Testament. The Greek word used to describe what Jesus did for us on the cross has a different meaning altogether.
It doesn’t just mean “to cover”, it means “to remit; to do completely away with something.” Do you know what that means? YOUR SINS ARE FOREVER FORGOTTEN by the Father! There is no longer a sin problem, because Jesus Christ FOREVER solved it.
Jesus didn’t just cover your sins through His death, burial and resurrection. He put you and I into right standing with God as if sin had never existed in our lives. He placed us in a position by God and FREED us from sin. (Romans 6:7)
But, if you’re like many people today, you haven’t fully grasped this magnificent truth. You’re caught up in what I call a “sin consciousness.” You keep thinking of yourself as sin stained instead of blood washed.
You may have even thought, “I am just a screw up. I am a sinner. I’ve made too many mistakes, how could I ever be accepted. How could I ever win in life?” This type of thinking could even cause you to run from God and the blessing He has given you. That religious belief places you in bondage and blocks the blessing of God and His love from operating in your life
Ephesians 2:8 reveals to us: “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God;”
The truth is you’re not just an old sinner. You WERE a sinner, but GRACE SAVED YOU and redeemed you from the curse of sin forever.
Romans 6:14 says; “For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under grace.”
You are NOW the righteousness of God. You are NOW His workmanship created in Christ Jesus! You are NOW in the shadow of His hand, where His power resides.
As far as God is concerned, your sins are forgiven and forgotten. They died the death of the cross. Just like Jesus is no longer in the grave and has been raised up together with God, you too are no longer a sinner bound for hell; you have been raised up together with Christ.
You are FREE! Your sins are forgiven, and forgotten. You and I are now in the position where God first created Adam. We are right with God.
Adam was clothed with the Glory of God, which is His Presence. Adam knew no sin. Adam was Gods son. Adam was perfect in His Fathers eyes. Adam knew His Father intimately and walked with Him daily.
This is who you are right now because of Jesus Christ.
You may be thinking; “Well, if I am in this position why do I still struggle?” The Bible makes it clear; we are drawn away from our place beside God by our own lusts, weaknesses and desires. (James 1:14)
We are literally drawn away from His presence into sin and death. Why do we do this? Because, of sin consciousness. Sin consciousness comes from the wounds and iniquities in our hearts that have not yet been healed. To continually abide by the Father, to dwell in the secret place of the Most High, we need to receive healing in these areas in our hearts. We need to begin developing a righteousness consciousness.
Having a righteousness awareness about ourselves, comes through meditating on the Word of God. This awareness renews our minds as we meditate on the truth of being a NEW creation in Christ Jesus. A righteousness consciousness is developed as we meditate on the truth that we are literally sons and daughters of a loving God.
David in the Old Testament spent time meditating in the Word of God, and received the revelation of Psalm 23 and declared “The Lord IS my Shepherd.”
Praise God, He is our Shepherd! But now in the New Testament we have a deeper revelation of who God is. Not only is He our Shepherd, but He is first and foremost our DAD. Romans 8:15 says “We have received the spirit of adoption whereby we now cry “Abba Father”.
To cry Abba approximates a personal name, in contrast to God. Simply put we can now call Jehovah God – Daddy God. The word Daddy to a child betokens unreasoning trust, and love.
Because of the remittance of sins through the work of the cross, we NOW are placed in a relationship with Jehovah God, where we can experience Him as our Daddy God.
Having a broken heart, a sin consciousness, prevents us from experiencing this new relationship with our Father. Let this sink in. Let your heart grasp this awesome reality of the Father’s love for you, until you can rise up boldly and receive the FREEDOM from sin and condemnation that’s yours in Christ Jesus.
The truth is your sins are FORGIVEN and FORGOTTEN! You’ve been redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ! You are free!
Receive Jesus Christ as Your Lord & Savior, and receive your freedom now! Receive your right standing with God, and begin experiencing a life of security, acceptance, joy, purpose and love, through your new relationship with your new Daddy today!
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Rory called by God to "Heal The Brokenhearted" (Luke 4:18) by being "A Voice of Freedom." (John 8:31-32). Rory graduated St. Cloud State University in the spring of 1994. That fall he attended Rhema Bible Training Center. After graduating Rhema, in 1996, Rory established the evangelistic ministry of Rory Synoground Ministries International.
In the year 2002 opened The Voice of Freedom Prayer & Healing Center as an extended ministry outreach of RSMI
Soon after in 2003 Rory founded RORY SYNOGROUND PUBLICATIONS a publication company that inspires hope and faith to thousands all over the world.
In 2006 Rory pioneered FREEDOM CHRISTIAN CENTER, which was located in Austin MN.
Rory is evangelistic in nature with a prophetic and teaching anointing accompanying his ministry. Rory ministers a bold uncompromised Word from the Lord, and prays for the sick. Through this ministry thousands of people have prayed the prayer of salvation, and have experienced medically supported healings.
Rory & his wife Amelia have 5 children.