Ministry Update: Terry L. Mize

by Terry Mize | Uncategorized

We are just back from Romania… wow, what a trip. Pastor’s conference for Gypsy pastors… two hundred, including their wives. I felt it imperative that they bring their wives, which is rare indeed. We paid their hotel and food, and for many of them we paid their travel expenses as well. A budget of more than $20,000, not including our expenses: airfare, hotels, food and transportation. Then we spent time and money on sweet and precious orphans as well as taking them all to eat pizza and taking them to a mall and giving them money to shop. I must say, a good time was had by all.

These Gypsy pastors that I have preached to for so many years have built 400 churches and brought revival to the Gypsy world. There were some hiccups and my Popeye spirit came out and I had to deal with a few things, but all in all the meetings were great and they were blessed. My dear friends, Pastors Terry and Dorcas Maris went with us and Terry helped me minister, and I also asked Renee and Dorcas to minister which is a major no-no in a Gypsy meeting. A very special thank you to partners who helped us with these expenses. Also, a special thanks to Terry Maris, who I always depend on for the Romania ministry trips. His help is invaluable and we really have a good time together.

Renee certainly enjoyed the ministry and meeting all the sweet kiddos and staff as well as the Gypsy pastors and wives. New bonds were formed and the future is bright.

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We are just back from Romania… wow, what a trip. Pastor’s conference for Gypsy pastors… two hundred, including their wives. I felt it imperative that they bring their wives, which is rare indeed. We paid their hotel and food, and for many of them we paid their travel expenses as well. A budget of more than $20,000, not including our expenses: airfare, hotels, food and transportation. Then we spent time and money on sweet and precious orphans as well as taking them all to eat pizza and taking them to a mall and giving them money to shop. I must say, a good time was had by all.

These Gypsy pastors that I have preached to for so many years have built 400 churches and brought revival to the Gypsy world. There were some hiccups and my Popeye spirit came out and I had to deal with a few things, but all in all the meetings were great and they were blessed. My dear friends, Pastors Terry and Dorcas Maris went with us and Terry helped me minister, and I also asked Renee and Dorcas to minister which is a major no-no in a Gypsy meeting. A very special thank you to partners who helped us with these expenses. Also, a special thanks to Terry Maris, who I always depend on for the Romania ministry trips. His help is invaluable and we really have a good time together.

Renee certainly enjoyed the ministry and meeting all the sweet kiddos and staff as well as the Gypsy pastors and wives. New bonds were formed and the future is bright.

As always, we are so very grateful for our giving and loving partners. We pray for you daily and pray over your seed sown that our God will multiply your seed back to you and cause blessings to come in every area of your life.

Yesterday, there was a lot of bad weather in Texas so our flight home was delayed several times for several hours. We missed our connection in Dallas and took a later flight which caused us to not be able to get seats together from Dallas to Tulsa. A sweet lady next to Renee said she would trade seats with me so we could sit together. She then said she recognized me from being on Kenneth Copeland’s program, BVOV. She said her husband really liked me on the programs and said that I was the real deal, and he recorded the programs to watch multiple times. So, when we arrived at baggage claim I went outside and met him and told him to call me and we would have lunch. He was a happy camper and we appreciated her trading seats with me.

The two weeks of programs on BVOV have been a tremendous success, I think. KCM says they received more product orders than usual and our office has certainly been busy receiving orders and sending out books and CDs. I give the credit for that to Jesus and Pastor George Pearsons. I never think I do well on television but everyone seems happy with the outcome. George made it so easy and pulled the ministry out of me and it ministered to the viewers. If you missed the programs, they are archived on and what many people don’t know is that I ministered twice at Eagle Mountain International Church in November and twice in February. They were very good meetings and they are also archived and you can watch them at

We are looking forward to ministering this coming week at Crenshaw Christian Center for dear friends Pastors Fred and Angel Price. It is always fun to minister at the famous Faith Dome. I have ministered there most every year for over twenty years for Apostle Frederick K.C. Price and his lovely first lady, Dr. Betty. They have been wonderful personal friends and missions partners.

We had a sweet experience and testimony last week. We were ministering in Denver for our precious friends and spiritual kids Pastors Ana and Arturo. A young lady named Katherine, who lives in Spain, called Ana and asked if she could interpret for me on Saturday and Sunday. She then flew from Madrid to Denver arriving on Friday and ministered with me Saturday and Sunday and then flew back to Madrid on Monday. Wow, that is impressive. I asked why she would do something so ridiculously hard like that. She said it was a dream and an answer to prayer to be able to minister with me. Three years ago I was ministering there and Katherine’s mother and father, who lived in Lima, Peru flew into Denver to visit relatives. The person that picked them up from the airport said she would take them home, then she was going to church to hear a missionary speak. The father who was a medical doctor and not born-again, said they would go to church with her. They enjoyed the service and when I gave an invitation to accept Jesus they both, mom and dad, came down front and were born again. Two days later, the doctor died. Katherine was so very grateful that she wanted to meet me and minister with me. On Sunday, the service was live-streamed on the internet and her brother in Lima logged on to watch his sister. He was not a Christian either but when I gave the invitation and told the people watching by internet to pray with me to accept Jesus, he did it. While we were at lunch, Katherine received a text from him that he got born again. So, needless to say, she was so very blessed by our ministry time together; glory to God!

Together, we are reaching the world. The world is calling and we are going.

Terry Mize Ministries
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Over 40 years ago, Terry began his ministry in the jungles of Panama, bringing the Gospel to a primitive tribe. In 1969, he and his bride Jackie were married and spent several years in Mexico before God began to reveal to them that to touch as many lives as they desired, they had to move back to the U.S. and begin to travel to many nations. For over 40 years, they have done just that.

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