“Oh, Lord the hope of Israel. All who forsake you shall be put to shame. They who depart from you and me your prophet shall disappear like writing from the ground. Because they have forsaken the Lord, the fountain of living waters” (Jer. 17:13).
God is the fountain. He’s the source. He’s our resource. He’s there for us every single time when we need Him. He’s even there when we don’t think we need Him, but we really do. He is the fountain of living waters.
A fountain continually flows, doesn’t it? It always flows. It never shuts off. In order for it to be a fountain, it consistently has water flowing and circulating through. It’s always fresh. It’s always brand new.
You’re never going to have the same drip come and hit you. It’s always going to be new. You can’t say, “Oh, I recognize that drip out of that fountain.” No, because it’s new every single time it flows. It flows out of the inside of your spirit.
When you do what you know to do, and you’re obedient (because you’re willing and obedient), you’ll eat the good of the land. That’s what the Bible says. And you will be blessed because you choose to follow after the fountain of living waters (Isa. 1:19).
Some of you need to start right now and become the real you and others need to figure out how to maintain your real inside person that needs to work on the outside. Right? Right!
How many of you want to be turned inside out for God? (Look out the window closest to you right now! Do you see anyone raising their hands? Then they are reading this message right now!)
You know there’s an old song, “Jesus on the inside, working on the outside….” It’s kind of a hokey, country song, but it has a good meaning. It’s the truth. And when you put godliness inside, what’s going to come out? Junk? I don’t think so.
What’s going to come out if you’re putting good things in? If you’re putting garbage in, what do you get? Garbage out! (G.I.G.O.) It’s so simple. It’s like God=good! Devil=bad! It’s that simple. That’s the way we need to think about the things of God.
We need to ask ourselves before we do some things if it really glorifies God. And if it doesn’t? DON’T DO IT!
Scott, a native of Minneapolis, Minnesota grew up with a passion for playing drums. By the time he was 17, he had played with several Christian bands and once had the opportunity to tour with Whiteheart... however, it was turned down because God had better plans!
God's better plans included marriage to his wife, Heather, becoming a student at North Hennepin Community College, and subsequently moving to Tulsa, Oklahoma for two years of Bible school at Rhema Bible Training Center. Scott's two year training included an emphasis in youth ministry.
After graduation, Pastor Scott served on staff at Living Word Christian Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota (Pastor Mac Hammond) under youth pastor Steve Munds.
Scott's vision is to teach and preach the uncompromised Word of God by precept and example; to disciple others into a position of leadership that they can take with them throughout their life.