Happy Mother’s

by Russ Kalenberg | Audios, Mother's Day

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LivingWord North (formerly Agape Christian Center)was founded by Pastors Russell & Cyndi Kalenberg on June 7, 1981. The first service was held in their home in Garrison, MN. with a prayer service.

In January of 1983, A.C.C. started services in Brainerd. In October of 1984, we moved into our first building on Hwys. 18 & 25, where we remained faithful and grew over the next eleven years.

LivingWord North held its first service in its present sanctuary on June 3, 1995. A special thanks to all of those who gave their time and finances to make this faith project a reality. We praise God for all He has done in you and through you. We are presently endeavoring to put on the finishing touches of this facility so that all who walk through these doors will see a vision of excellence.

But most importantly, our heart's desire is to minister to the whole family; spirit, soul, and body. We understand that a church is only as strong as the families in it. There is a major attack on the earth today, but with the Word of God on our lips and the Love of God in our hearts, we can stay united and strong. Then we will be able to reach out into our community and the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

God has blessed us with forty-six beautiful acres on Hwy. 371 N. that is totally debt free to His Glory! As finances are made available we desire to carefully develop these acres.

Our desire is to reach out more each year with not only youth missions trips but adults as well. To challenge you to get out of your comfort zone and reach out to a dying world (your neighborhood and abroad) that needs Jesus.

There is not enough paper to list all that is in our hearts for the future. God has so much He wants to do in the Brainerd area, He is just searching for willing vessels. We would be so honored to be your Pastors. Please pray about hooking up with us. We're standing on the threshold of some wonderful things and WE NEED YOU!