Honoring Your Parents

by Keith Butler | Uncategorized

“Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honor thy father and mother (which is the first commandment with a promise)” (Eph. 6:1-2).

What is the promise that comes along with honoring your father and mother? It will be well with you, and you will live long on the earth. The Amplified translation says it this way: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord as his representatives, for this is just and right. Honor (esteem, and value as precious) your father and mother.”

He didn’t say to honor them if they were right. Nor did it say to honor, esteem, and value your parents if they were perfect. God said, honor, esteem and value as precious your father and your mother. This is the first commandment with a promise.

To honor your parents is to love them. And God’s love is unconditional. The kind of love he expects us to exhibit as his children, as believers, is unconditional love even if we had parents who were terrible.

Why is this? It is for your own preservation. Verse 3 says, “That it may be well with thee, and thou may live long on the earth.” In other words, your prosperity in the earth is tied to how you treat your parents.

When your parents need help, and when they get old, they should not be thrown away like an old shoe in case they get in the way of your life. This is one reason why God expects you not to get into debt. When your parents get old you should be willing to assist them.

The Bible said, as a man sows that shall he also reap. You don’t know, if Jesus tarries, that you will be old one day and you may need assistance from your children.

People wonder why they do what the Bible says, and don’t get the blessing. It is because they haven’t accepted all the Bible. They picked up certain portions they wanted to pick up. They liked the money comes part, but not the take care of the parent part. You have to accept all of the Word of God.

If you will live godly, God will bless your seed and your seed’s seed. It says to honor your parents. Obey your parents. If you are a young person, it doesn’t matter whether or not mama understands. Do what she tells you to do. Do what they tell you to do and honor them, and you will live long and see good days on the earth.

Study References: Psalm 103:17; Proverbs 13:22; Galatians 6:7

Keith Butler Ministries
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Keith Butler has been an ordained minister since 1974. He is a graduate of the University of Michigan and holds diplomas from Canada Christian College and Rhema Bible Training Center.

He serves in ministry with the support of his lovely wife, Pastor Deborah L. Butler, and their children: Pastor Andre Butler (granddaughters Alexis, Angela, and April), Pastor MiChelle Ferguson and husband Pastor Lee (grandson Lucas), and Minister Kristina Jenkins and husband Pastor Joel (grandsons Andrew and Austin, and granddaughter Alyssa).

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