Is Jesus Real to You?
There are times when Jesus is more real to me than at others. And when He is the most real to me—I feel closest to Him, and inspired to live my life in a way that would please Him. When Jesus is real to me, making the right choices seems easier. I feel my life and my purpose come into line with His.
March 2014
As I sat in the theater, I covered my eyes as the nails were driven into Jesus’ hands and feet. I couldn’t watch what they were doing to Him. It hit me—He is suffering—because of me. I felt at that moment that nothing I could do could ever repay Him for what He did for me. But seeing images of what it must have been like for him makes me want to try.
I have been a Christian for many years and it is easy to get into my regular routine of going to church, raising my family, doing my bible studies, going to my job and trying my best to live out my Christian life.
As I go through the motions of daily life, it is so easy to forget my first love—Jesus. I can read about Him in the scriptures and I can see Him as almost a fictional character. But I am convinced that if I am to live the Christian life as God intended, the person of Jesus Christ has to become real to me.
There are times when Jesus is more real to me than at others. And when He is the most real to me—I feel closest to Him, and inspired to live my life in a way that would please Him. When Jesus is real to me—making the right choices seems easier. I feel my life and my purpose come into line with His.
As I watched the movie “Son of God”, I was reminded in a visual way what a loving and giving person Jesus was. He healed the sick, forgave those who had fallen, but confronted the religious hypocrites, and bore the incredible suffering of the cross. The crucifixion scenes made the horror He endured vividly real.
In my mind, I know He was crucified for me, but in my daily routine of life, that phrase can seem like so many words on a page, and not an actual, physical brutality.
While watching those scenes, I am confronted with what Jesus endured for me—and because of me. I am forced to face the reality that although He died for everyone’s sins, He also died for my individual sins.
When faced with a visual portrayal of what Jesus endured—the sacrifice He made—it motivates me to want to be a better person. Not that I could ever earn what He paid for. It’s just that I want to be a better person…out of love for Him. Not that I could “pay Him back.” Because of His great sacrifice, nothing I do could ever be enough to repay Him. But I still want to try to please Him with my actions, out of gratitude, not duty.
It’s not a have to. It’s a want to.
That’s why I love to watch movies and read books about Jesus. Along with the Bible, these resources inspire my faith by helping make Jesus more real in my life. They encourage me to live my life in a way that is pleasing to the Father.
There is another movie coming out that I believe will do the same thing. It is called “Heaven is For Real,” and it is based on the experience of Colton Burpo who as a young child went to heaven, saw many things, including Jesus, and came back. I’ve read the book, and reading about Colton’s interactions with Jesus also made Him come alive for me. Colton’s descriptions of his meeting with Jesus—how He looked, His love, His caring, even His physical description—make Him just a little more real to me.
I recently heard the film’s producer Randall Wallace share a little about the film. While I don’t want to give too much away for those who haven’t already read the book, I will say I am looking forward to seeing this movie for a little taste of heaven.
I appreciate the many ways Jesus makes Himself real to me, just like He did in the “Son of God” movie. As I left the theater, I resolved to live a more sacrificial life for Him. Listening for His direction and obeying it. Loving what He loves. Hating what He hates. Having more patience and grace for the failings of others. For me, stirring myself up to make Jesus more real in these ways helps me in my Christian walk.
What makes Jesus real to you? Is it imagining living and walking with Him? Is it meditating on His Word and allowing it to become alive in your heart? Maybe it is through films or books like it is for me. Whatever it is, pursue those ways that will not only help make Jesus more real to you, but will also stir your faith as you strive to live the life God intended for you.
Another excellent way to make Jesus more real to you is through the extensive supply of articles, devotionals, and media teachings on the cfaith website. If you haven’t been to lately, I encourage you to visit our site today!
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May His love and grace be real to you always,
Martha Hultgren
cfaith staff
Martha Hultgren is a wife, mom, traveler, writer, editor, and, most importantly, a follower of Jesus Christ. Martha worked as a content editor for
Martha has three children and lives with her husband Rick and cat Diamond in Maple Grove, Minnesota.