It’s Time to Get Out of Debt

by George Pearsons | Uncategorized

Debt-free living! We are hearing more and more about it all the time. The Body of Christ has received a strong mandate to get out of debt and look to God as our Covenant Provider.

Is Borrowing an Option?
I am no stranger to the message of prosperity, and specifically, debt-free living. I have been around it for a long time. But I have learned that it doesn’t count to just “be around” the message. The message must become a personal, living reality in your own heart. I had heard there was a better way than borrowing.

I was familiar with Romans 13:8 that says, “Keep out of debt and owe no man anything except to love one another.” And Deuteronomy 28:12 says, “Thou shalt lend unto many nations and thou shalt not borrow.”

I’d been taught all of this, yet I went ahead and borrowed the money for the house we presently live in. Why? First, because we never truly settled the issue of not borrowing. The desire was there but the strong decision wasn’t. So, borrowing was always an option to us. It was always available. Second, we had not developed our faith enough in this area of our lives.

But in September 1998 something happened to me that completely transformed my thinking. Debt-free living became alive in me. It was September, and Brother Copeland was at our church preaching during the Thirty Days of Glory meeting. The teaching was on debt and borrowing money.

His words so deeply affected me that, in a moment of time, I went from seeing borrowing money not as an option, but as a sin for me.

Brother Copeland made two statements that burned through my heart like a hot iron. I was brought to a place of deep conviction. First, he said, “What one does today for the sake of tomorrow is called an investment. What one does to enjoy today at the expense of tomorrow is called debt.” Then he said, “Borrowing is a replacement covenant—it’s going to someone else when you should have gone to God.”

They shook me to the very core of my being. All of a sudden to me borrowing money became a serious breach of my covenant with God. I wrote the word, “ouch” in my notebook.

A Higher Source Of Provision
I knew in my heart what Brother Copeland was saying was true. But, at the same time, it seemed so impossible. “Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!”

A ferocious battle raged within me that night. My head was fighting what my heart was so desperately trying to believe. For the sake of my family, and my congregation, I had to take authority over the impossibility. By faith, I interrupted the fear. Over and over again, I wrote this in my notebook: “DEBT-FREE LIVING! DEBT-FREE LIVING! DEBT-FREE LIVING!”

In the days that followed, I began looking up every scripture I could find on “borrowing” and “debt.” The conviction in me lighted a fire to take action.

It was time for me to get out of debt. It was also time to bring this before my congregation. It was time for me, as their pastor, to make the public declaration. It was time to lead my flock out of the land of debt and move up to a higher place of God’s covenant provision.

Together, we were about to take a step of faith that would require great dedication, determination and courage.

I challenged my congregation to make the quality decision to live debt free. I preached the Word to them. I pointed out what God has to say about borrowing. Then, we all stood together, faced God, and boldly declared:

In the name of Jesus, we make our quality decision. We are coming out of debt. We are staying out of debt. By the power of God’s Word, we are living debt-free, abundant lives. By faith, we are debt-free!

There was no turning back. We were on our way out of debt. Almost immediately, Satan came to steal the Word. He tried to discourage me. “Who do you think you are? You’ve really stuck your neck out there now. What if it doesn’t work? What if nobody gets out of debt? What if it doesn’t work for you?”

“Satan,” I replied, “What if you just shut up in the mighty Name of Jesus. I believe what God’s Word says. Whatever the Word says we can do, we can do. And if the Word says we can live debt free, I believe we can live debt free!”

One Week At A Time
Each week, with a new confidence, I would confess “This week, I’m going to be debt free.” If, by the end of that week, I wasn’t then there was always the next week.

I remembered something Brother Copeland once told me at a time when I was fighting condemnation over going into debt in the first place. He said to me, “The very moment you make the quality decision to live debt free, God sees you debt free! All you need to do now is to walk this out by faith, believe God’s Word and be obedient to whatever He tells you to do.”

That statement set me free.

Much has happened to us since we made our quality decision. An entire church is walking out of debt together. The more I preach about it, the more results we are getting. Past due bills are being paid off. Credit card debt is being wiped out. Those living from paycheck to paycheck are becoming current. Those who are current are now able to put money in their storehouses. We are seeing debts cancelled, dissolved and obliterated!

I tell my congregation that every step is a step of faith. From payment of the smallest bill to the wiping out of the largest debt is a victory in my book. I am collecting financial testimonies, and I am reading them to our congregation. We give thanks to God every week for the marvelous things He is doing. These testimonies are encouraging our faith and are helping us to not give up and quit.

Living debt free is one of God’s greatest covenant provisions. I have set myself to believe it and receive it. I am so serious about this that I wrote this statement in my Bible next to Isaiah 50:7: “I set my faith like a flint!”

If you want to make a no-retreat decision to get out of debt, begin by praying the following prayer in faith right now:

Father, in Jesus’ Name, lead me and reveal to me my way out of debt. You have a specific plan and strategy just for me. As I seek Your face in Your Word, I will know exactly what to do. I believe we are coming out of debt, staying out of debt, and living a debt-free, abundant life. By the power of God’s Word, I am debt free now in Jesus’ Name. Amen!

Let’s Get Started
Here are some quick steps toward becoming debt free. Pray over them, then put them into practice. I am in agreement with you that you are coming out of debt, staying out of debt and living debt-free, abundant lives.

  1. Look up scriptures about how God provides and what the Word says about “debt” and “borrowing” (i.e., Gen. 14:22-23; Deut. 15:6, 28:12; Rom. 13:8; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Matt. 19:26; Phil. 4:19; Eph. 3:20).
  2. Meditate upon scriptures that will enlarge and stretch your believing. Break through the poverty mentality and see God providing for you to become debt free (i.e., Num. 11:23; Ps. 78:41; Luke 18:27; Isa. 54:2-3).
  3. Make the quality decision: “I am coming out of debt, staying out of debt and I am living a debt-free, abundant lifestyle. I am debt free in Jesus’ Name!”
  4. Settle certain issues in your heart to such a degree, that you will never again wonder how you can live without borrowing money: settle forever: God is my source—not people (Phil. 4:19). Settle forever: I am not limited to my salary (Ps. 68:18). Settle forever: It is God’s will for me to live debt free (Rom. 13:8; Deut. 28:12; 1 John 5:14-15).
  5. Ask yourself, “Why do I want to prosper and live debt free? It should not be for selfish reasons. Your ultimate motivation for debt freedom should be to establish God’s covenant, finance the gospel, meet the needs of people and take care of the poor (Deut. 8:18).

As you take care of God’s people, God will take care of you.

Copyright © Eagle Mountain International Church
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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From the first time they met in 1975 to today, Pastors George & Terri Pearsons have been building a partnership based on a foundation of faith. They became the pastors of EMIC in 1993 and have been going strong ever since. Together, they are a one-two punch to the devil.

Pastor George leads and guides our church. His heart is to love our people unconditionally, and help our congregation grow into men and women who know who they are in Christ Jesus. Pastor George teaches on topics such as: family relationships, overcoming pressure, living debt free and walking in love. His humor makes God�s Word accessible, and keeps us smiling as we learn to apply it to our daily lives.

Pastor Terri is Kenneth Copeland�s eldest daughter and she grew up praying alongside her godly grandmother. Calling on those years of learning, praying and obeying, she leads the prayer life of EMIC�teaching us the principles that change our lives, our families and our world. Pastor Terri�s rich heritage of faith is shared through the weekly prayer school she established and a team that leads prayer groups across the Metroplex.

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