We were designed and created by God to walk in all the fruit of the Holy Spirit. That’s right! God created us to be masters at walking in love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness and self-control.
We were not created to handle stress, anxiety, worry and strife. That’s why negative emotions and feelings have such damaging effects on our physical bodies.
Medical research is discovering that love, joy, peace, and all the other parts of the fruit of the Spirit, actually have beneficial effects on our bodies.
The Bible says in Proverbs 17:22 that, “A merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” Laughter and joy actually have medicinal, healing effects on our bodies.
When Adam fell in the Garden of Eden, the whole human race fell with him. Now that Jesus has redeemed mankind from the curse of sin, we are free to begin exploring and experiencing life as God originally designed us to live it!
It was never the will of God for us to live bitter, oppressed, joyless lives. That’s not what we were created for. But, mankind has become so used to living that way, that most people are experts at it.
Too many people are professionals at walking in unforgiveness and anger. Some are so developed at walking in depression and insecurity that it has become second nature to them. Others are actually artists at dwelling on wounds and hurts from the past.
Did you know that it is unnatural for people to live this way? That’s right! The world wants you to think that it is perfectly normal to be miserable, and that there isn’t any other way – but there is!
In John 10:10 Jesus said, “The thief does not come except to kill, to steal and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” Jesus wants us to live the way God originally designed for us to live – that’s why He died on the cross for you and me.
God wants us to experience this abundant life, and the Holy Spirit is standing by ready to show you what this life is all about. The Holy Spirit wants you to know the difference between life and death. He wants you to be able to discern the difference between what is truth and what is a lie. He wants to show you how to recognize what is good and what is evil.
If you want to live this life, you must maintain constant awareness of the Holy Spirit. You must be willing to obey God at all times. If you are willing to obey and honor God in every thought and deed, you will experience a beautiful time of renewal and transformation.
Things may not be easy at first, but you will be pleased with the results. It takes a lot of trust in God to live this way, but living for God is the most beautiful way to live.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Dr. Larry Ollison is founder and Senior Pastor of Walk on the Water Faith Church and founder of Larry Ollison Ministries. With over forty years in the ministry, he is a very popular speaker nationally and internationally and ministers the Word of Faith through radio, television, Internet, and daily e-mail devotionals. As the author of eight books (including The Power of Grace, The Practical Handbook for Christian Living, Breaking the Cycle of Offense, Life is in the Blood, and recently released The Paradise of God), he is in frequent demand for radio/TV interviews, book signings, and magazine publications.
Dr. Ollison was raised a Southern Baptist. While majoring in theology at Southwest Baptist University, he received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. For many years he traveled extensively speaking at Full Gospel Business Men's meetings and conventions. He later earned an M.A. in Theology and a Ph.D. and Th.D. from Life Christian University.
Currently President of International Convention of Faith Ministries (ICFM), Dr. Ollison is also Vice-President of Spirit FM Christian Radio Network, Missouri State Director of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), and a Trustee on the boards of several international ministries. He is also the host of The Cutting Edge Radio Broadcast and authors The Cutting Edge Daily Devotional.
As the owner of a marine dealership, his extensive business background brings a unique flavor to his teaching. He founded and served as chairman of the Missouri State Marine Board, President of the Marine Dealers’ Association, Vice-President of a bank holding company, along with holding several directorships in various corporations.
Dr. Ollison's strongest areas of teaching are the blood of Jesus, faith, relationships, the Hebrew language, the Holy Spirit, the end times, and heaven. During ministry, he operates freely in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. His use of humor and his ability to make a theological concept simple makes it enjoyable and easy for everyone to understand. Countless testimonies have been received from people who say their lives have been changed after experiencing Dr. Ollison's unique ministry.
Dr. Ollison is a pastor, pilot, teacher, and author. His number one goal is to meet the needs of the people through the teaching of faith in God's Word. He and his wife, Loretta, have two children and six grandchildren.