In Ephesians 5, we are told to love our wives as our own flesh. That means to take care of them.
Some men spend more money on their cars than their wives. Some spend more on bowling balls or golf clubs than they do their wives. Some spend more on fishing equipment than wives.
I know some wives who do not even know where their husbands work. They do not know how much money their husbands make. The husbands just come in and hand them some money, maybe enough to buy groceries or pay a couple of bills.
Yeah…that really gives those wives a sense of security, you know!
My wife Betty knows every nickel and dime I get. If I find a dime on the sidewalk, she knows about it. Not because I have to let her know or because somebody has a gun at my head making me tell her. She is my wife. She is equal partner in this relationship.
Whatever I go through, she has to go through. If the congregation blesses me or praises me, she gets blessed too. On the other hand, if the next day, the congregation says, “Crucify him! Away with him!” she is in on that too.
It is not fair for a man to treat his wife like she was a piece of furniture. In fact, some men have more respect for their furniture than their wives.
Men, you should treat your wives like queens. Then maybe they would begin to act like queens and begin to live like that. You know, if you get stepped on every day, it is hard not to act like a rug.
As If You’re Relating To Christ
As you relate to your wife, that is really the way you relate to Christ. Tell her that you love her and just talk things over with her. You know she is a part of you. She is one with you. She should be involved in everything you are involved with.
If you think she will not understand the kind of work you do, perhaps that is because you have never taken the time to explain it. At least talk about the part that she can understand.
Betty and I talk about everything at the dinner table. Usually, we have not seen each other all day and perhaps have not had time to talk on the phone, so when I get home, I begin sharing my day with her. She is a part of my life. She is a part of the ministry.
And I always ask her what happened with her day. We talk and share. We keep one another posted on what is going on, because whatever affects one of us is going to affect the other. We take time to talk. She is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.
Men Must Meet Their Obligations
The main emphasis I want to make is how the Bible tells men to treat their wives.
One lady who had been married to the same man for 32 years wrote me a letter. She had always worked and helped her husband. Then in 1981, he closed out their checking accounts and refused to give her any money.
He claimed their house and their money. She does not know where his savings account is. When his job requires him to go out of town, she does not know where he is; he does not call home. He will not buy any food or pay any utility bills. He will not go to church.
She said, “I work, and God supplies all my needs,” but she wanted to know what to do. I had an answer for her. Boy, did I have an answer! But I thought I had better not give it. All I could do was tell her to pray.
What do you tell somebody like that?
That is a classic example of a husband who is not carrying out the obligation of his marriage, nor is he providing for his own, nor is he walking in any of the responsibilities of a husband.
I doubt if he is even saved.
Remember men: talk to your wives. Don’t be stingy with the checkbook when it comes to blessing them. Relate to her the way we are to relate to Christ, and you’ll see miracles happen in your marriage.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers
Dr. Frederick K. C. Price received an honorary diploma from the Rhema Bible Training Center in 1976 and an honorary Doctorate of Divinity Degree from Oral Roberts University in 1982; both institutions are based in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Dr. Price met the former Betty Ruth Scott while attending Dorsey High School. They were married in March 1953 and have four children - Angela Marie Evans, Cheryl Ann Crabbe, Stephanie Pauline Buchanan, and Frederick Kenneth Price.
While Dr. Price was pastoring for the Christian and Missionary Alliance at West Washington Community Church, he read Kathryn Kuhlman's book, "God Can Do It Again." On February 28, 1970, he received the gift of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of "speaking with other tongues." That is the event that Dr. Price considers the jumping-off point in his ministry.
Dr. Price was also influenced by several books and tapes by Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Dr. Price adds, "It was during this time that Betty and I began to take the first steps to walk by faith, which has brought us to where we are today."
In 1973 Dr. Price and 300 parishioners moved from West Washington to establish Crenshaw Christian Center (CCC) in Inglewood, CA. In 1984 CCC outgrew its Inglewood facility and purchased the former Pepperdine University Los Angeles campus. CCC is now the home of the FaithDome, with over 10,000 seats, its one of the largest church sanctuaries in the United States.
Dr. Price is the author of some 50 books on faith, healing, prosperity, and the Holy Spirit. "How Faith Works" is a classic book on the operation of faith and its life-changing principles.