More Than Mental Assent

by Gloria Copeland | Uncategorized

“But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves” (James 1:22).

One of the greatest enemies of real faith is what’s called “mental assent.” People who operate in mental assent read the Word and think they believe it. But when pressure comes, they don’t act on it.

Mental assenters say, “I believe the Bible from cover to cover. I believe I’m healed by the stripes of Jesus because the Bible says so.”

But when sickness actually comes and attacks their bodies, they stop saying, “By His stripes I’m healed” and start saying, “I’m sick.”

Real faith believes what the Word says even though your eyes and your feelings tell you something different. Faith doesn’t care what the symptoms are. It doesn’t care how the circumstances look. It’s not moved by what the banker says, or the doctor, or the lawyer, or the bill collector.

Faith in God’s Word will change the symptoms. It will change the bank. It will bring the money to get the bills paid. Faith will turn every defeat into victory. It is God’s success formula!

But you have to give that faith an opportunity to work. You have to keep God’s Word in your mouth and meditate on it in your heart “that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it; for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then shall you deal wisely and have good success” (Josh. 1:8 AMP).

So determine in your heart today to speak God’s Word out your mouth and to speak nothing contrary to that Word. Don’t be a mental assenter. Be a mighty person of faith. Be a doer of the Word!

Speak the Word: I am a doer of the Word of God, and not just a hearer only. (James 1:22)

For Further Study: Matthew 7:24-29

Daily Scripture Reading: Esther 7-8; 2 John

Excerpt permission granted by
Eagle Mountain International Church, Inc.
aka:  Kenneth Copeland Ministries

For the last 50 years Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have been passionately teaching Christians all over the world how to apply the principles of faith found in God's WORD to their lives.

They have seven ministry offices around the world: United States, Canada, Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, Ukraine and Latin America. Their God-given directive is to preach and teach the uncompromised WORD of God on every available voice, which is being accomplished through a variety of channels, including our Believer's Voice of Victory TV and radio broadcasts, podcast and magazine; Believers' Conventions, Victory Campaigns and Living Victory meetings; published books, website, and social media channels, to name a few.

With the expansion of technology, they have more work to do now than ever. They are determined to let the world know Jesus is LORD, and they are not slowing down anytime soon!


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