There are places of authority in prayer every believer can attain. Every believer has been seated with Christ in heavenly places. The door is open for every believer to come up in that place of authority.
God is a place. He’s not like a location or a “place over there.” But we come up into places in God. Jesus said, “In my Father’s house there are many dwelling places (homes). If it were not so, I would have told you; for I am going away to prepare a place for you (John 14:2, AMP).
All through the Bible you find places of prayer—granted positions—in God. What position do we have with God? From what position are we approaching Him in prayer? Although we are seated in and with Him, and we’re given that place in Christ, we have to have revelation of what it means so that by faith we can assume that position and increase in it.
We know that Hebrews 12 talks about coming up Mount Zion. This coming up Mount Zion is representative for the church, in that it gives a picture and understanding that we are coming up a mountain. Yet it is not any less than real than the mountain Moses went up to meet with God.
But rather, you have come to Mount Zion, even to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to countless multitudes of angels in featal gathering, and to the church (assembly) of the Firstborn who are registered [as citizens] in haven, and to the God Who is Judge of all, and to the spirits of the righteous [the redeemed in heaven] who have been made perfect.
(Heb. 12:22-23 AMP)
The difference is that on Mount Sinai, God came down to meet Moses. With Mount Zion the church, we are privileged to come up to God and approach Him. It is not a mountain He comes down to, but a mountain we come up to. God is bringing the church to a place of higher authority, and He is bringing revelation on coming up Mount Zion as it relates to authority.
There are places of authority in prayer every believer can attain. Every believer has been seated with Christ in heavenly places. The door is open for every believer to come up in that place of authority. The door is open for every believer to increase and to rise to higher places of authority, and it may or may not correspond to your natural position.
We tend to recognize spiritual authority more readily through the fivefold ministry gifts, because the nature of the position is spiritual. However, these positions, these places of authority in prayer, are not limited to those who are called to fivefold ministry.
I often trick many with this question: Who ruled Babylon? I won’t hold you in suspense. The answer to this question is Daniel. Daniel ruled Babylon through his spiritual position in prayer. Through prayer Daniel saw to it that the will of God came to pass in Babylon, and the will of God is still being done in Babylon today.
Was it because of his natural position? No. His natural position was a result of his spiritual position. Daniel entered into the political realm. Did he enter this realm by running for some political office, or through some military training? No. Daniel just kept praying until he qualified and stepped over into this political realm. We know from the Scriptures he prayed three times a day, every day.
Daniel went in through the spiritual door and was granted this natural position. Now we can get into the political realm in a natural way—by going to school and studying, by running for office and getting elected, or just by working in that realm somewhere—but we’ll never achieve a place of lasting authority from a natural acquisition of position.
However, this position Daniel was granted caused his prayers to have lasting authority and qualified him for an eternal position. God is calling His church to come up to Mount Zion—because the door is open for every believer to come up into that place of authority.
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Terri Copeland Pearsons, eldest daughter of internationally known minister Kenneth Copeland, first discovered the adventures of prayer as a little girl praying at her grandmother’s side. Drawing on that rich heritage of faith, she connects people with the living presence of God, teaching them who they are in Christ Jesus and how to pray from that position.
Terri and her husband, George Pearsons, serve as Senior Pastors of Eagle Mountain International Church (EMIC) at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, where they have pastored for over two decades. They have an international commission that takes them all over the world. Since 1995, Terri has ignited the fires of prayer at EMIC through Prayer School and through a dynamic network of prayer groups; she has brought life into the prayers of believers worldwide.
Terri has supported her father’s commission to take the Word of God from the top of the world, to the bottom, and all the way around, since attending Oral Roberts University (ORU) in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the late 1970s. For 13 years she developed the Believer’s Voice of Victory (BVOV) television broadcast as its first producer, helping establish Brother Copeland as a forerunner in television ministry.
Terri and George have two grown children. Their son, Jeremy Pearsons, his wife Sarah and children, Justus and Jessie Grace, travel in ministry together, teaching believers of all ages to hold fast to the spirit of faith. Sarah Hart Pearsons is also a worshipper and singer-songwriter. Their daughter, Aubrey Oaks is a gifted vocalist who ministers frequently at EMIC, and she travels alongside her mother, ministering with her. Her husband, Cody is a pilot and is preparing for the ministry to which God has called him. They have two precious daughters, Eiley and Kayelin.