Release the Peace

by Keith Butler | The Anointed Word

“And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Phil. 4:7 KJV).

Release the peace of God in your life today. First of all, meditate on the word daily. The word “meditate” means to think on constantly, over and over again what God said about this financial situation, this medical situation, about this relationship, about the future.

Now that doesn’t mean that you don’t do what you need to do to be in a better position. But it does mean that you don’t have to worry about it.

The next thing you do to walk in the peace of God is to give God thanksgiving. Thank the Lord, today is my day. Say out your mouth that today is your day. This year is your year. Give God thanks that you have the victory in the middle of this problem. And thank Him because everything is going good now, and it is going to stay that way.

Next, refuse to worry. You are going to have opportunity. I know that I’ve sure had opportunities to worry. I’ve decided to pass them by. Years ago, when my church was two years old, I wouldn’t take a vacation. I was there seven days a week.

One day, I was in prayer and the Lord said to me, “I can run this church without you.” I was offended. “Lord, what did I do wrong. I’m here every day.” He said, “Now, if you keep this up, you are going to run yourself in the ground and you are going to kill yourself.”

Well, I hit the wall shortly after that. I wrote out my resignation, and had it on my desk. I didn’t turn it in. My heart was right but my head was wrong. You can mess up even trying to do the right thing. Take some time off and take the wife and kids on vacation. When you come back the world will still be there.

Never again will I allow myself to get in a state where I cannot sleep at night. The word of God said about the children of God that their sleep shall be sweet. I’ve learned to just lay my head on the pillow and go right to sleep. So, when you decide to live in the peace of God, you will find that peace has great benefits.

Scripture References: Josh. 1:8; Ps. 37:25

Keith Butler Ministries
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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