Shake It Off

by Joe Coyne | Uncategorized

A major key to success as a leader and in life is learning how to “shake it off”. Throughout the Apostle Paul’s life he traveled tremendous distances and experienced many suspenseful events. After his transformation from persecutor of Christians to preacher for Christ, it was estimated that he covered more than 13,000 miles.

During his travels things didn’t always go according to what he planned or expected. At times it looked more like a legal journey than a missionary journey as he faced opposition with governors, kings, religious and other prominent leaders.

In Acts 28:1, we find Paul and 276 other soldiers and prisoners safely on the shores of Malta. After a violent storm, their ship had struck a sandbar and ran aground. The bow stuck fast and would not move, and the stern was broken to pieces by the pounding surf. Once on the island, the natives showed them unusual kindness.

Due to the cold and rain, the natives built a fire as they welcomed them all. Paul gathered a pile of brushwood and as he put it on the fire, a viper, driven out by the heat, fastened itself on his hand. When the islanders saw the snake hanging from his hand, they said to each other, “This man must be a murderer; for though he escaped from the sea, Justice has not allowed him to live.”

Can you imagine being in Paul’s position? It seemed like Paul was dealing with one thing after another. The natives of Malta reminding him of his past mistakes saying he must be a murderer. He had refuted accusations from lawyers and religious leaders in Caesarea; he had overcome standing before King Agrippa, survived a violent storm and a shipwreck. Now he’s been bitten by a viper and the report is he is going to die.

Same Trials, Different Millennium
Like Paul, we have encountered times of challenge. Maybe you have been challenged with a report that sounds discouraging or you may have heard the enemy tried to remind you of your past mistakes and make you question who you are.

It is not the event, but how we respond to what happens that develops us. When we respond with what God’s Word says, we will always win.

In verse 5 we see Paul’s responds, “But Paul shook the snake off into the fire and suffered no ill effects.” Paul took God at His Word and shook it off. God had promised Paul that he would live and not die, that He would rescue him from his own people. God told Paul that he was forgiven and cleansed from all unrighteousness.

God’s Word is truth and God’s promises are for anyone who will believe. God promises us in His Word when we keep our mind focused on Him then He will keep us in perfect peace.

Paul took God at His Word and used every circumstance to further advance the mission that God had called him to complete. Through his series of legal trials and transactions Paul was eventually delivered to Rome where his presentation of the gospel would penetrate even into the walls of the emperor’s palace.

Be encouraged today, no matter where you are; God has equipped you with the power to “Shake It Off.” As we worship, honor and magnify God, everything we are going through will come into right perspective. Take God at His Word and say what He says.

Today’s Scriptures
Acts 27 and 28

A Prayer for Today
Heavenly Father, thank You, for the power to “Shake It Off.” I take You at Your Word. Thank You for Your peace in the middle of every storm. In Your presence is fullness of joy. The more I stand for You Lord, I know the more You will take a stand for me. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Harvest World Outreach Church
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Pastor Joseph Coyne is the Senior Pastor of Harvest Church in Greensboro, North Carolina. Together he and his wife Misti, serve a growing church that welcomes and embraces people of all races and cultures. They have two wonderful children and have dedicated their lives to help and equip people as well as ministries to impact Greensboro, the Triad and unreached nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Coyne holds a B.S. degree in Business Administration from Appalachian State University. He and his wife are both graduates of Rhema Bible College, in Tulsa Oklahoma. Pastor Coyne and his wife started Harvest Church in Greensboro, NC in October 1998. Pastor Coyne has distinguished himself as a man of vision and principal-through his service to God and the greater community.

Pastor Coyne’s tenacious grasp of the Word of God touches the hearts of many and makes a profound impact upon lives daily. He is committed to developing servant-leaders to live in victory, change their world and fulfill their God given purpose. Pastor Coyne practices and teaches that essential to every endeavor is integrity and excellence. Central to His ministry is the Word of God, prayer, and being led by The Spirit of God.

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