Share Your Faith

by Virginia Kite | Uncategorized

“That the sharing of your faith may become effective by the acknowledgment of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus.”

– Philemon 6


My faith is effective! Jesus lives in me! His power and authority have been given to me! I am full of His compassion. I’m led by His Spirit. Every good thing has been given to me so I can walk by faith and help others walk by faith! My faith brings good results in my life. As I share my faith, there will be good results in many people’s lives!

Source: 365 Confessions For Kids by Virginia Kite
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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Virginia Kite was educated at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Virginia, and taught in Virginia Public Schools for 12 years prior to her marriage. She and her husband, Ron, attended Bible College together and, since 1979, have served in many capacities of national and international ministry. They have raised two nieces and are the parents of one son.

A love for the truth and faithfulness of God's Word was birthed in "Ginny" as a young child, through daily Bible reading with her grandfather. When Ginny was a sixth grade student, her public school teacher required the class to memorize Psalm 27. That psalm became a special word from God, which sustained her through the breakup of her parents several years later.

365 Confessions For Kids was written shortly after the birth of Ron and Ginny's son, as a tool to train their child in the truths which would carry him successfully through the life ahead of him.

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