God left the Bible on the earth to get your thinking straightened out. And I’m going to teach you the fourth chapter of the book of Matthew to get your thinking straightened out of how to fight the devil. If you can’t follow the example of the Lord Jesus Christ you might as well hang it up, go home and get under the house. You’ll never be in victory anyway.
Now the battle always starts after the Spirit of the Lord comes upon you. That’s when the battle starts. That’s the way the devil operates.
A lot of times, a young man that doesn’t know anything about God will go out with three or four young boys on a Saturday night and try to pick up girls if they don’t have a date. They’ll try to pick up girls. That’s just the way young men are. And a lot of times it’s hard to pick up girls.
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God left the Bible on the earth to get your thinking straightened out. And I’m going to teach you the fourth chapter of the book of Matthew to get your thinking straightened out of how to fight the devil. If you can’t follow the example of the Lord Jesus Christ you might as well hang it up, go home and get under the house. You’ll never be in victory anyway.
Now the battle always starts after the Spirit of the Lord comes upon you. That’s when the battle starts. That’s the way the devil operates.
A lot of times, a young man that doesn’t know anything about God will go out with three or four young boys on a Saturday night and try to pick up girls if they don’t have a date. They’ll try to pick up girls. That’s just the way young men are. And a lot of times it’s hard to pick up girls.
When they get saved and baptized in the Holy Ghost (Spirit) and start working for God, then girls try to pick them up all the time. Isn’t that wild? A young man that doesn’t know God and he goes out on a Saturday night and tries to pick up a girl and some Saturday nights he can’t even pick one up. He gets saved and baptized with the Holy Ghost and there will be six girls trying to pick him up. The devil’s nuts man, I’m telling you.
It Is Written
After the Spirit of the Lord comes into you, then the battle begins. That’s the reason it’s very important to you to know the Word of God. Learn to do things like Jesus did them.
“Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit (this was after John baptized Him) into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, He was afterward hungered. And when the tempter came to Him (that means the devil), he said (the devil did) ‘if.’”
“About two-thirds of his conversation with you will be IF so and so, If so and so. Now notice what the jerk says right here. “If you be the Son of God (if you be the Son of God…he knew that Jesus was the Son of God; he was in heaven with Him), command that these stones be made bread.”
Why? Well Jesus had been fasting forty days and forty nights. “But He (Jesus) answered and said, IT IS WRITTEN.” Say that out loud, IT IS WRITTEN. Say that again, IT IS WRITTEN. Now that’s your answer for the rest of your life! Do you understand that?
That’s your answer for the rest of your life. In the Bible is where all of your answers are. Whatever is written in there, that’s what you’ve got! Halleluiah!
Now you might say, “Well it’s in the Bible but I don’t have it.” You haven’t claimed it then. You have to learn how to apply the Word of God. The Word of God doesn’t work for you unless you apply it.
Let me break it right down for you so I can teach it to you. When’s the last time you read the Bible to the devil? Every Christian should read the Bible to the devil. If you’ll read the Bible to the devil he will never be able to steal the patience of God away from you. And for you to possess patience is so important in your life. I don’t mean have it every once in a while, I mean to POSSESS patience.
The devil will bombard your mind and give you all kinds of excuses why you’re not going to receive something from God. But if you’ll just stand steadfast with patience and say, “Well it is written devil, that it’s mine. The Bible says I have it,” that will get rid of temptations in your mind quicker than anything else. Just say it boldly: “The Bible says I have it.”
The Counter Attack (He Won’t Quit The First Time)
Now he won’t quit the first time. The Lord told me to tell you and to show you in the Bible that he won’t quit the first time.
Suppose you go to a service and walk up to the front and say, “Lay your hands on me Brother, I want to be healed.” Someone lays his (hers) hands on you and maybe the power of God comes on you and maybe the power of God comes on you so strong that you fall flat on the floor and the healing power of God just surges through you.
If you think you’re going to get away with that with the devil, I’ve got news for you. I guarantee you the next day or in just two or three days the devil will come to you and tell you, you didn’t get healed.
And he’ll try to make symptoms show up again. When the symptoms come on you again, that’s when he tells you, “You didn’t get it. You are not healed. You did not get it. You did not get it.”
Now that’s when you need to rise up, right then, and say, “The Bible says I did. It is written in the Bible that I did.”
And if he keeps on bugging you, just turn the Bible to Mark 16 and read it to him. Say, “Devil, Jesus said right here to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. I walked up there by faith, and I got that Brother to lay his hands on me. He laid his hands on me so therefore, I got it! It’s mine! I’ve already got it.”
Why? Because that Scripture was fulfilled. It is written that you have it. It is written. It says to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. The moment that he laid his hands on you, I don’t care how you felt, you were healed. That split second when he laid his hands on you, you were healed.
Why? Because it is written; that’s the way it is. Let’s read on in Matthew chapter 4 verse 4: “But He (Jesus) answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” See, He said by every word, EVERY word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. That’s the reason you need the whole Bible. You need to study the Bible and find out what it says.
He’ll Be Back
Don’t think the devil is just going to walk off and leave you alone and never come back and tempt you again, because I’ve got news for you; he’ll be back! Now the fifth verse: “Then the devil took Him up into the holy city, set Him on the pinnacle of the temple, and said to Him, “If You are the Son of God, throw Yourself down, For it is written….”
Now this is what the Lord told me to point out to you, look what the devil says: “IF YOU ARE THE SON OF GOD.” See, he said the same dump thing, IF.
Now notice the devil mocking Jesus here: “If You are the Son of God, cast Yourself down: for it is written, He shall give His angels charge over you: and in their hands they shall bear you up, Lest you dash your foot against a stone,” Yeah, the devil said, it is written.
Now this is the second time the Lord told me to tell you that you must obey the Bible and do what He did. Don’t let your mind wander away from God’s Word and come at it a different way. Jesus told me to point out to you what He did and teach YOU to do what He did.
In the seventh verse, “Jesus said unto him (the devil), IT IS WRITTEN.”
Say that out loud, IT IS WRITTEN. Say it again, IT IS WRITTEN. Now remember as long as you live that is what you always say to the devil. It is written, devil. It is written devil! Get your Bible and read the Bible to the devil.
When you open up your Bible say, “Devil, I do have it because it is written and I’m going to read it to you right now.” And then read it to him.
Norvel Hayes is a successful businessman, internationally renowned Bible teacher, and founder of several Christian ministries in the United States and abroad.
Brother Hayes founded New Life Bible College, located in Cleveland, Tennessee, in 1977. New Life Bible Church grew out of the Bible schools\' chapel services. Among its many other outreachs, the church ministers God\'s Word, and hot meals daily to the poor through the New Life Soup Kitchen.
Brother Hayes is also the founder and president of New Life Maternity Home, a ministry dedicated to the spiritual, physical, and financial needs of young girls during pregnancy; Campus Challenge, an evangelistic outreach on college campuses across America; Street Reach, a ministry dedicated to runaway teens located in Daytona Beach, Florida; and Children\'s Home, an orphanage home and education center located in India.
Known internationally for his dynamic exposition of the Word of God, Brother Hayes spends most of his time teaching and ministering God\'s deliverance and healing power in churches, college classrooms, conventions, and seminars around the world.