The morning of May 29, the ministry team from Living Word was en route to Tokyo from Beijing. As we flew over Seoul, South Korea, I began to think of the church there pastored by Dr. Cho and its influence throughout the world. In the early 1980s, this was thought to be the largest church in the world with a congregation of 750,000 people and over 14,000 pastors.
Dr. Cho has written books explaining how his church experienced such growth, much of which is attributed to cell groups that focus on prayer and evangelism. Many Christians don’t realize the “house church” movement began in China, not South Korea, by a man mightily used of God named Allen Yuan. He traveled throughout China taking the Gospel into the villages, planting house churches, and seeds of revival in the hearts of the people.
Many would be surprised to learn that China has not always been a Buddhist nation. In fact, Christianity was introduced into China nearly 1,300 years ago in the city of Xian (Zion), and historical records state that one of China’s Emperors became a Christian. During his reign as Emperor, China experienced great prosperity and peace.
The Chinese government now states the number of Chinese Christians to be less than one percent of the 1.5 billion people (15 million). Other sources, however, estimate that number could be as high as 200 million, based upon the explosion of growth within the house churches throughout China. Though it would be impossible to determine, one thing is for certain. There is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit there, and no government will stop it!
Unfortunately, persecution of the Church and Christians continues today in China, and many house-church pastors have been arrested, some imprisoned and beaten. Ironically, some were released because they continued to preach the Gospel while in prison! They have a commitment and dedication to preach the Gospel in the most challenging situations, yet these men and women of God embrace this “calling to preach” without fear of consequences.
It provokes in me the question, “Would I be so fearless to preach the Gospel given the same circumstances?” Their desire to serve God and their hunger for God are truly humbling.
Just last weekend, our team had the privilege of ministering in house churches, one in a crowded apartment and the other in a village outside the city. The meeting in the apartment lasted over three hours, and even though over 40 people were jammed into a small room, every person was eager to receive the Word and thankful that someone would come to pray for them!
Some people with children in tow walked four hours in the rain to come to the meeting and walked the same distance home after the meeting. No wonder there is revival in China!
The meeting in the village was very different, but we witnessed the same passion and hunger for God in the people. Prior to our arrival at the house church, we were told to be very quiet. When we arrived, we quickly and silently exited the van and then dashed single file through a gated enclosure. We waited in a small room until it was time for the meeting to begin. Once again, we dashed single file into the meeting room. Much to our surprise, the room was filled with people singing, shouting, dancing, and worshipping the Lord! We were puzzled because we were told to be very quiet, yet the Chinese believers were wild and fearless in their worship of God-obviously confident of His protection.
We also had several opportunities to go to “English corners” which were places to meet and share the Gospel with students, while they practiced their English skills. Most of the time, the students are very excited and interested in hearing about God and desire to pray to receive Jesus. Sometimes, you encounter students that have valid questions about being a Christian. It challenges you to know what you believe and why you believe it! It blesses your heart, each time you satisfy their questions and they open their hearts to Jesus. It’s not unusual for our teams to pray with 20-30 students to receive Jesus at an English corner.
Oftentimes, art students speaking very good English will approach you as you’re walking on the street and try to persuade you to visit their art gallery. They hope you’ll buy their paintings which will help pay for their training. Art students, however, find out why weve come to China and end up praying to receive Jesus!
Sometimes I’ll take the team to get foot massages, especially after a long day of walking. Some might think we ought to spend our time doing something more “spiritual,” but the massage is simply an opportunity to have audience with a staff of trainees, some of which receive Jesus!
I’ve been asked why I take our teams to visit tourist sites such as the Great Wall and the Beijing Acrobats. Same answer: it’s an excuse to have audience with unbelievers that most often will open their hearts to the truth and pray to receive Jesus. If we never go into the spiritually dark places, how will they ever see the light?
We also go into the shopping centers as well, especially markets. If we have use of a translator it can be very effective, but even on our own, many people speak enough English that we’re able to communicate the Gospel and pray with them to receive Jesus!
We like to ride in taxis too, not because they’re comfortable, but because it creates another ministry opportunity. One time in Beijing, I prayed with a taxi driver to receive Jesus. The next time I returned to China, I flagged down a taxi and got the same driver! That time, I prayed with him to be filled with the Spirit!
It seems everywhere you go in China, the hearts of the people are open to the Gospel and are hungry for God!
Since Living Word's earliest years, Kent Otey served Living Word in many capacities. In 1983, he joined the staff of Living Word full-time and served in various capacities which included evangelism, singles, counseling, and pastoral care. Kent was licensed and then ordained by Living Word in 1985. In 1996, he became director of Living Word's Missions Outreach.
Led by Kent, LWCC Missions teams travel to other nations and preach and teach the Gospel in hospitals, schools, orphanages, prisons, on the streets, in conferences, and crusades. Since 1996, over 150,000 people in 50 nations have received Christ as a result.