Dear Mom,
The birds are coming home; the buds on the trees are beginning to take shape, and the flowers are peaking out after a long winter’s nap. I know how you love springtime – how you love to watch as the trees and bushes took shape after a long and cold but much needed rest.
There was not a day in my childhood memories that you, Mom, were not there for all of us. Running through the door after a long day at school, I would find you sitting at the kitchen table, snacks prepared, and just waiting to hear about the day’s events.
You loved to cheer me on at a basketball game, music contest, or any event in which I participated. You were my biggest fan. Even more important to a young girl, you gave up a new dress many times so that I could have the perfect outfit for that important event.
I will never forget the first day we drove on to the college campus. I realize now how much you must have sacrificed to see my dreams fulfilled that day. We spent the better part of the morning climbing four floors up and down with all my prized possessions.
From my fourth floor room, I watched you drive away that day. I know you cried many lonely tears during that long journey home. My wedding was amazing. Since I was away at college, you took my ideas and put them all together so that my wedding was one of the grandest days of my life. I could not have done it without you.
The sacrifices you made for my success and happiness are far more than words could ever express. Not only were you the most wonderful mother in the world, but your example as a faithful, loving wife has been forever etched in my heart. It has permanently painted a beautiful scene in the album of my life.
Mom, I don’t want to forget the most important thing you did for me. I want to say thank you for all the Sundays that you NEVER forgot to take us to church.
You gave us not only earthly moments to treasure but you gave us opportunity to choose eternal treasures in Christ that will never fade away. Mom, because of that I will see you again.
It is Mother’s Day and almost two years since you passed away. It has been a long and lonely time without you.
Somehow, it seems that we will all come home this summer and there you will be just like we all remember.
On behalf of dad and all your daughters and grandchildren, we want to say thank you for taking your responsibility as a mother and wife to be the most important career in your life. The dividends have been outstanding. We will see you soon our dear, precious mother. It won’t be long. Please give Jesus a big hug for all of us.
Forever Remembering,
Your daughter, Julaine
P.S. A special thank you to the hospice nurses who took care of our mother and wife. We have never met more loving, caring people than you. You gave her last days meaning and purpose. Also a special thank you to all the hospital staff. You were amazing.
All rights reserved. Used by permission.
Julaine Christensen is an author, psalmist, revivalist, and teacher, and she has spent her life serving the body of Christ as a "mother" to the church. The mission of her apostolic ministry has always been to equip sons and daughters to seek the Kingdom of God through worship, prayer, prophecy, and relationship with the Holy Spirit.