Walking in the Resurrection Life

by Rodney Howard-Browne | Audios, Easter

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Rodney and Adonica Howard-Browne, married since October 1981, spent the early part of their ministry traveling across southern Africa.

After pioneering and pastoring a church for two years, they joined a large independent church in Johannesburg, South Africa, where Rodney served as associate pastor and Bible school lecturer. They answered God\'s call to come to the United States in December 1987 and arrived with their three children, Kirsten, Kelly and Kenneth.

In 1989 revival started during a weeklong meeting in Clifton Park, N.Y. This revival has continued and has covered the globe with signs and wonders. Local churches have been set ablaze with the glory of God.

Rodney and Adonica have crisscrossed America and many other nations traveling to as many as 46 places each year. Revival Ministries International, founded by Rodney and Adonica, is an association of churches and an international ministry organization with offices in Manila, Philippines; Melbourne, Australia; London, England; Johannesburg, South Africa; and Vancouver, B.C. Canada.

RMI, headquartered in Tampa, crosses denominational lines, carrying the fire of revival. In December 1996, Rodney and Adonica founded The River at Tampa Bay church, which has an attendance of nearly 1,000 on Sundays. They also established the River Bible Institute, training revivalists for the 21st century.