Do you want to be made whole in your family? Do you want to be made whole in your marriage? Do you want to be made whole in your body?
As a parent, it would bother me greatly if the only time my daughters came to my house was to get something from me. If they were constantly asking me for things and never wanting to just spend time with me, that would hurt me.
If every time I gave them something, they just walked away without thanking me, I would get fed up with that kind of attitude. In fact, I would probably put a stop to always being the one giving out and never feeling appreciated.
Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
(Phil. 4:6)
Those are two important words: With thanksgiving.
Thankful For Everything
In approaching God and asking Him for blessings, we must never forget to be thankful for the blessings that He’s already granted us.
We have to be thankful for the air that we breathe. Be thankful for your eyesight. Be thankful for your hearing. Be thankful for your health. Be thankful for everything that you have.
I believe one of the reasons that I’ve become so blessed is because I’ve tapped into this intensity of desire AND I’m continually expressing thankfulness to God.
I tell Him when I get up in the morning, all day long, and everywhere I go, “I love You, Lord. Oh, I thank You. You’re so good to me. I worship You. I magnify Your name. Father God, I love You.”
And He pours the blessings on me. He answers every one of my prayers.
Excerpt permission granted by Jerry Savelle Publications
Carolyn Savelle has an incredible testimony of growing up her entire life under the power and anointing of Jesus. She was reared in Shreveport, Louisiana, where she heard preachers such as Oral Roberts and William Branham. Throughout her life she has witnessed God's miraculous power.
At the age of eight she heard the voice of God calling her into the ministry. God spoke to her and said, "One day you will marry a man who will preach the gospel and you will be missionaries in Africa." Her husband, Dr. Jerry Savelle, is now a world-renowned evangelist and teacher of the Word of Faith.
Throughout her life, Carolyn has been a bold and powerful minister of the Word of God. Her teachings have blessed thousands and made a profound impact on the lives of people throughout the world.