For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.
(Mark 11:23)Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.(Heb. 11:3)
Did you get that? Things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
I read an article by Annette Capps, and she describes it this way: That chocolate cake you ate recently was made from things which do not appear. The recipe called for water, but before hydrogen and oxygen combined into water, you could not see anything, even though the substance was there all the time. But when those two come together, they form the water that we drink.
When God said, “Let there be light,” the substance for light to appear was already there. The sound vibration of His mouth and of His Word caused the substance to be manifested and to appear.
Your words are energy, and they affect the matter in your life.
The energy of a microwave vibrates the water molecules that make your coffee in the morning (or your tea). The energy of electricity that flows to a washing machine powers the motor that spins the tub that cleans the clothes.
Your words are energy. And the words that you speak affect your life. When you say, “This car is a piece of junk,” then those words are energy, and they affect the matter that concerns your life.
Scientists have performed many experiments with atoms and electrons. (Electrons are the sub-atomic particles of atoms.) If you remember your Science class in school, you saw the diagram of an atom with its electrons orbiting it like the earth orbits the sun.
Scientists have discovered that even though the electron is not always shown in particle form as orbiting the nucleus, it is always there. It appears in a cloud-like state. It exists everywhere at once until someone looks at it. And when the scientist observes it, it suddenly appears as a dot or a particle. It’s there all the time.
What we have need of is here all the time. Your energy or your words will affect that matter or substance. For faith is the substance of the things we hope for and the things that we desire (Heb. 11:1).
Scientists began asking the questions: How does the substance know someone’s looking at it? Is it responding to the observer? Is it responding differently to each observer?
All Matter Responds to Faith
Jesus was right when He taught that all matter responds to faith and to words. The substance from which our world is made is influenced and manifested by our words.
The things that you desire are made up of atoms. They know what you believe, and they behave accordingly. You will produce an energy around you by your thoughts and beliefs. This may sound deep, but it’s not. You’ve experienced it every day of your life, you just weren’t aware of it.
Have you ever noticed how the entire atmosphere in a home can change when one person is upset? They become insulting, and then everybody around them gets angry. It puts a damper on everyone else’s mood. But when somebody is happy, joyful, and cheerful, then that energy they produce begins to affect everybody around them as well.
Be cautious of the fact that your words are energy, and they produce positive or negative actions in your life.
Excerpt permission granted by Jerry Savelle Ministries International
Carolyn Savelle has an incredible testimony of growing up her entire life under the power and anointing of Jesus. She was reared in Shreveport, Louisiana, where she heard preachers such as Oral Roberts and William Branham. Throughout her life she has witnessed God's miraculous power.
At the age of eight she heard the voice of God calling her into the ministry. God spoke to her and said, "One day you will marry a man who will preach the gospel and you will be missionaries in Africa." Her husband, Dr. Jerry Savelle, is now a world-renowned evangelist and teacher of the Word of Faith.
Throughout her life, Carolyn has been a bold and powerful minister of the Word of God. Her teachings have blessed thousands and made a profound impact on the lives of people throughout the world.