Don’t Let Circumstances Overcome You

by Carolyn Savelle | Articles, Christian Living

Are you being overcome by the circumstances of life? Is everything around you pulling you down to its level? Then you need to take the time to build that level up. I can’t say it enough: faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.

Your problems can talk to you. Your sickness can talk to you. Your children can talk to you. But you have to talk louder. You have to get that faith which is on the inside of you to come out of you and attack your problems.

If you’re just one of those Sunday morning go-to-church people, and that’s all the Word you hear all week (you’re not reading God’s Word or spending time in prayer) then you are going to be a sick, weak, anemic faith person.

Your faith is not going to be strong enough to get you healed, to get you delivered, to cause prosperity to come to your home, or to cause your children to be delivered; it’s just not.

But if you take the time to put God’s Word in you daily, then I’m telling you, your faith level will rise to the occasion, and it will put you over every time.

What you receive from God depends upon how you’ve renewed your mind to the Word of God. You will walk in the blessings of God dependent upon how much you know. If you know it’s God’s will for you to walk in divine health, then your faith will produce healing in your body.

If you know it’s God’s will for you to prosper, then you’ll walk in financial blessings. You must renew your mind to God’s Word.

So, what can your faith produce? No more than the intensity of your desire.

Source: The Intensity of Your Desires by Carolyn Savelle.
Excerpt permission granted by Jerry Savelle Ministries

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Carolyn Savelle has an incredible testimony of growing up her entire life under the power and anointing of Jesus. She was reared in Shreveport, Louisiana, where she heard preachers such as Oral Roberts and William Branham. Throughout her life she has witnessed God's miraculous power.

At the age of eight she heard the voice of God calling her into the ministry. God spoke to her and said, "One day you will marry a man who will preach the gospel and you will be missionaries in Africa." Her husband, Dr. Jerry Savelle, is now a world-renowned evangelist and teacher of the Word of Faith.

Throughout her life, Carolyn has been a bold and powerful minister of the Word of God. Her teachings have blessed thousands and made a profound impact on the lives of people throughout the world.