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Born in 1870 in Ontario, Canada, John G. Lake fought hard to survive a sorrowful childhood and make a material success of his life. Then, at the age of 37 he gave up all he had-some report he gave up millions-to seek God's divine purpose in his life. Within a year, Lake and his family ventured to Africa, bringing a storm of God's supernatural healing power. After five years, he left the African ministry he began, leaving a heritage of more than 1,000 preachers, 100,000 converts and countless miracles. He then returned to the state of Washington with a stronger faith in Christ and mightier anointing of God's healing power.

Shortly thereafter, Lake's Divine Healing Institute made Spokane, Washington-as documented by the United States Government- "...the healthiest city in the world...." He went on to establish 40 churches in the United States and Canada.

Lake's spiritual legacy influenced many healing evangelists of his time. His life and words continue to be a guide to many Christian leaders today.

Adventures In God

Adventures In God

It is so simple: The life of God comes back into the part that is afflicted; immediately the blood flows; the closed, congested cells respond; the work is done! That is God's divine science. Oh, beloved, when you pray, something is happening in you! It is not a...

A Trumpet Call

A Trumpet Call

There is a growing up in experience in the ministry. When Paul started out in the ministry he was definitely called of God and was assured of God through Ananias that it would not be an easy service but a terrific one. The thirteenth chapter of Acts tells us the...

The Christmas Angel

The Christmas Angel

It was Christmas season in the mountains of Basotoland, South Africa. Everything seemed extremely unchristmaslike to an American.Instead of snow and skating, green Christmas trees with their brilliant lightings, the thousand gifts of love, the splendid turkeys and...

Christ Liveth In Me

Christ Liveth In Me

"Christ liveth in me." That is the revelation of the age. That is the discovery of the moment. That is the revolutionizing power of God in the earth. It is the factor that is changing the spirit of religion in the world and the character of Christian faith. It is...

Not A Machine

Not A Machine

I was visiting with a gentleman who had a grouch on me. He said, "I wrote you a 24 page letter, and you have not received it. If you had, you would not be here."I laughed. That man has been a Christian for 30 or 40 years, always a devout man, and I have spoken of...

The Resurrection

The Resurrection

Christianity through Jesus Christ stepped into the arena of world religions as a challenger. The Son of God, just as the ancient athlete did, threw down His gauntlet on the ground and challenged the religions of the world to take it up. Heaven's challenge still...

The Power of Principle

The Power of Principle

Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.(Matt. 5:3) The great purpose of Jesus Christ's coming to the world was to establish the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is universal, containing all moral intelligences, willingly subject to...

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