Author Archive for Jon Perrin
The Selfie Mindset

The Selfie Mindset

So Jesus’ brothers advised him, “Leave here and go to Judea so your disciples may see your miracles that you are performing. For no one who seeks to make a reputation for himself does anything in secret. If you are doing these things, show yourself to the world.”...

The Wizard of Oz

The Wizard of Oz

We fear failure. And although we may feel as if failure is the end of the road, it can be the beginning of a new path. Or at least it can help us continue our journey in a smarter way. We mistakenly believe today's failure determines tomorrow's destiny. This is...

Leaving Guilt Behind

Leaving Guilt Behind

I too was convinced that I ought to do all that was possible to oppose the name of Jesus of Nazareth. And that is just what I did in Jerusalem. On the authority of the chief priests I put many of the Lord’s people in prison, and when they were put to death, I cast...

Safe Christianity

Safe Christianity

When we opt for a "safe" religion, we miss out on true freedom. There's no such thing as "safe Christianity!" True Christianity isn't for wimps or the faint of heart.Do we want to give everything up for God? Do we want something that won't cost us much? Do we want...

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