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In 1982 Stephen Wood was a heathen, in a rocky marriage to Janet who was agoraphobic at the time. Janet had given her heart to Jesus as a child but was never taught to read the Word to promote growth. Janet did know enough to cry out to God for their marriage.

It was then that God sent Christians to move in just three houses away. Their Christian neighbours had been praying for them for eighteen months before inviting them to attend the first Kenneth Copeland video meeting to be held in England.

Stephen reluctantly attended the meeting and was struck by the love shown to him by the hosts of the meeting. After watching the video, Stephen knew that he had become a Christian. No-one laid hands on him, no-one prayed with him, he just knew he had received Jesus.

Janet received prayer for the agoraphobia and was delivered from fear that evening. They went home that night a different couple with new hope. The following day, Stephen could sing in tongues without knowing there was a Holy Spirit.

Within six months, Stephen, a warrant officer in the British Army was posted to Germany. Shortly after they became Kenneth Copeland video ministers and continued to grow as people's lives were changed and they faced daily challenges that made them run to God.

In 1985 they returned stronger in faith to Warminster, where God had called them to start a church in the town. Foundation Christian Fellowship was established in September of 1986 with seven people. Their growing church is now reaching out for their own land and building.

The restoration of their rocky marriage was not fully able to begin until Stephen received some emotional healing. Further work was achieved when he received a teaching, which allowed him to finally receive God as the Father who loves him unconditionally.

This divine intimacy has restored their marriage. Now they can minister to other marriages

Defining The Kingdom

Defining The Kingdom

As a person with an electronics background, I like things being properly defined. So when people speak about things from the Bible, I like to know what the words mean. So here is a recent definition that helped me and I hope it helps you, too.Romans 14:17...

Five Steps to Freedom

Five Steps to Freedom

Would you like to be released from all forms of bondage? Read what the Bible says from the gospel of John. Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, if ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth...

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