Bear Good Fruit

by Norvel Hayes | Uncategorized

Every human being is like a tree. Like a healthy tree, you must bear good fruit. John the Baptist said if you don’t bear good fruit, God will cut you down one day and let you fall in the fire.

You have to bear good fruit, not just any kind of fruit. To bear good fruit, you have to have your faith and your doctrines mixed-up together with the love of God. You have to love God.

You may say, “Don’t we all love God?” No, we don’t love God if we don’t bring Him gifts, and if we try to get the blessings of God in some other way than the way the Bible says.

How do you bear good fruit? Pass out tracts, feed the poor, bless someone who needs something, bring lost people to church, tell your pastor you want to do something for God.

Get started now.

Always say, “I’ll do anything for Jesus.” Never say something like: “Well, going from house to house is not my ministry.” Listen, the ministry of Jesus is your ministry.

Source: Misguided Faith by Norvel Hayes.
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

Norvel Hayes is a successful businessman, internationally renowned Bible teacher, and founder of several Christian ministries in the United States and abroad.

Brother Hayes founded New Life Bible College, located in Cleveland, Tennessee, in 1977. New Life Bible Church grew out of the Bible schools\' chapel services. Among its many other outreachs, the church ministers God\'s Word, and hot meals daily to the poor through the New Life Soup Kitchen.

Brother Hayes is also the founder and president of New Life Maternity Home, a ministry dedicated to the spiritual, physical, and financial needs of young girls during pregnancy; Campus Challenge, an evangelistic outreach on college campuses across America; Street Reach, a ministry dedicated to runaway teens located in Daytona Beach, Florida; and Children\'s Home, an orphanage home and education center located in India.

Known internationally for his dynamic exposition of the Word of God, Brother Hayes spends most of his time teaching and ministering God\'s deliverance and healing power in churches, college classrooms, conventions, and seminars around the world.

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