Your Self-Image Affects Your Destiny
It makes me so angry when I hear people put themselves down and go through life with a negative self-image. I'm not mad at the people, but the one behind this evil strategy. One of the most effective ways Satan can absolutely stop the plan of God for your life...
You Have Problems, BUT…
You have problems. I have problems. It’s just the way life is. With Jesus, however, there are reasons to rejoice.You have problems, but you have a good God. God is not the one sending misery and sadness into your life. God’s not putting crosses on you, requiring...
Mid-life Crisis? No Way!
Mid-life crisis? No way! Not me! The best is yet to be! As I contemplate my 50th birthday, I am looking forward to the future! Why, you say? Because I realize that every day, week, month and year is truly a gift from God, and I know that when my life here is over...
You Must Be Born Again
"Opinions are like noses. Everybody has one." Or so the old saying goes. It's true. Regardless of the topic (sports, politics, even the weather) everyone seems more than willing to offer his or her personal wisdom and insight on the subject. This holds true in...
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