Engendered—What Was God Thinking?
Right from the beginning, God had a plan for mankind. He engendered the course of human families not simply by suggestion or even direction but by His operation in the creation of humans—male and female.God generated or brought about two genders based on how He...
God’s Vision for Your Family
You may or may not have heard my own story of starting a family. The thing is – my husband and I got pregnant on our honeymoon. Surprised? Yes, we were! The two of us had NO experience with babies. We didn’t have baby brothers or sisters, we’d never babysat anyone...
How to Deal with a Difficult Person + Protect Your Mental Health
I’m sure you either know someone personally or are related to someone who just seems to keep making the wrong decisions, no matter how much you try to help. I know how frustrating it can be when they just don’t want to listen, and I know how annoying it can be when...
Discover the Most Important Thing in Your Teen’s Life
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. (Prov. 22:6)Ask any teen, "What is the biggest influence in your life?"You might expect them to answer “friends” or “social media”. And the parents of those teens might tell you the...
Does Forgiving Make You a Doormat?
There are a lot of reasons we struggle to forgive, and one is that we feel like forgiving is condoning what someone did – just laying down and taking it, being a doormat. We think, “If I forgive them, I’m saying what they did was okay.” But that’s not what...
Don’t Let Your Love Grow Cold
When asked about what it would be like before His return, Jesus made this stunning statement to His disciples: “And many will turn away from Me and betray and hate each other…. Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold.” (Matt. 24:1–12) As...
A Key to 47 Years of Marriage
I want to encourage you about your marriage today, especially those of you who might be having some marriage issues.Let me just be honest. Nobody has a perfect marriage. It takes work, and giving on both sides, if you are going to be successful.Trudi and I have...
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