Escape Condemnation

by Andrew Wommack | Articles, Christian Living

Ye know that after two days is the feast of the passover, and the Son of man is betrayed to be crucified. (Matt. 26:2)

In Israel, crucifixion was a common sight. This practice was first mentioned in scripture as one used by the Egyptians (Gen. 40:19). Anyone hung upon a tree was accursed by God according to the Mosaic law (Dt. 21:22-23).

Failure to obey the law brought on the curse. Praise God that Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law by bearing the curse for us. Now, through Christ, we will never receive any curse from God even though we still disobey the law in some way. Justice was satisfied when Jesus died for the law that we broke, thus paying the prescribed penalty and bearing the curse.

There is no condemnation awaiting us from the law; for we died in Him.

A Christian who still walks in condemnation is being condemned by the devil or himself. It’s not God who condemns us (Rom. 8:34). It is the law that brought God’s adverse sentence against us.

When the government condemns a building it is declared unfit for use and must be destroyed. Likewise, when Satan condemns us, he makes us feel unfit for use and ready to be destroyed. Since the Christian is no longer under the law, he should no longer be condemned or feel unfit for use. We have been accepted by the Father through Jesus.

God convicts of sin but He doesn’t condemn (Rom. 8:34). Conviction is solely for our profit with no malice, while condemnation includes punishment. Satan is the one who condemns the Christian, but the Holy Spirit has given us the power to escape that condemnation.

Andrew Wommack Ministries
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Andrew Wommack’s life was forever changed the moment he encountered the supernatural love of God on March 23, 1968. Since then, he has made it his mission to change the way the world sees God. The author of more than forty books and the founder and president of Charis Bible College, Andrew has a heart for discipleship and teaches biblical truths with clarity and simplicity.

His Gospel Truth television show emphasizes God’s unconditional love and grace and is broadcast around the globe. He started Charis Bible College in 1994 with a vision to prepare men and women for ministry with a unique blend of the teaching of God’s Word and practical “on-the-job” training. Andrew is also the president of the Truth & Liberty Coalition, an organization that seeks to educate, unify, and mobilize believers to impact culture and effect godly change on important social issues. Andrew and his wife, Jamie, have been married for more than 50 years.