God Is No Respecter

by Marty Copeland | Uncategorized

“Have faith in God. For…whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Therefore…What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” (Mark 11:22-24).

Keeping a husband and wife from having children is one of the most devastating things Satan can do to a couple. It is also one of the toughest faith battles you can fight because it involves you, your spouse, your child and, specifically, the call of God on the life of the child He has promised you.

For three years, John and I dealt with childlessness. We dealt with the thoughts that arose when well-meaning friends or relatives asked, “Well, how come you aren’t pregnant…I thought you were going to get pregnant last year. Why don’t you have a baby yet?”

At one point I remember feeling that I wasn’t a “whole woman” because I couldn’t give my husband the blessing of a child…(wrong thinking, huh?). But John, because of the way he was raised, just did not operate in fear or doubt. And I had no problem believing God for healing because of the teaching I had been exposed to, and because He had healed me of things before. Nonetheless, focus on the physical healing I needed to conceive, the waiting, doctors’ opinions and discouragement all took a toll on my faith.

By the Believers’ Convention in Anaheim, California, in 1991, I was becoming discouraged when Kenneth prophesied over me: Because of your faith, the Word has taken root in you, and it won’t be too much longer.

John and I knew that it was God Who had placed in us the desire to have a family. Truly believing we received, we confessed God’s promise and thanked Him for it daily. Every time we prayed over our food, John would say aloud, “Father, I thank You that Marty’s pregnant. We have a perfect child.”

I continued to let God show me new ways to sow seeds for the specific things I was believing for. I gave a baby shower to honor and bless a friend, but knew I was sowing into my harvest as well. I made a conscious decision to sow more love into the lives of the children around me.

Despite all of this, I needed a breakthrough. When I asked God what was wrong, His answer was not a formula. It was not that I was “missing it.” It was that I wasn’t seeking Him enough. I wasn’t pressing in with my faith in every area possible. I had only focused my faith in the area of healing, and because of the discouragement, I was beginning to waver.

Shortly after Kenneth prophesied to me, my turnaround came. God gave John’s grandmother a word for me – the story of Hannah being delivered from childlessness to give birth to Samuel (1 Sam. 1).

While I was already standing on many scriptures, this revelation particularly ministered to me. Daily, as I read Hannah’s story and prayed her prayer, the revelation grew stronger in me that God is no respecter of persons. I got mad at the devil. I stayed in his face with the fact that God loved me as much as He loved Hannah. I repeatedly said aloud that if God would do that for Hannah, He’ll do it for me. I said of friends who had conceived, if God would do that for her, He’ll do it for me. And I thanked Him and praised Him for it.

God met me where I was. I no longer focused entirely on healing for my body, but on the reality that God is no respecter of persons. Daily my faith grew stronger.

Within two months I was pregnant. On April 7, 1992, Courtney was born. John, who had encouraged me through every bad report, spoke the same words he had confessed at every meal: “She’s perfect.”

Continuing to believe for a child is truly a faith battle, whether you have waited three years or ten. It’s not easy, and is often emotionally painful. If you are wrestling with this and you’re doing all you know to do, then regroup. Look for new areas to apply your faith. God will meet you where you are and take up any slack necessary for you to receive your manifestation.

Children are the right of a marriage in covenant with God (Deut. 28:11), and God is no respecter of persons. What He has done for others, He will surely do for you.

Source: One Word from God Can Change Your Family
by Kenneth & Gloria Copeland
Excerpt permission granted by Harrison House Publishers

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Marty Copeland is a wife, mother of 3, a Master Personal Trainer and Nutritional Guidance Counselor. Most importantly, she is here, doing this, because she has experienced first hand that God not only desires to help us reach our health and fitness goals, but He has the perfect plan that will lead us to a lifestyle of freedom and self-control. She has come to know that true health is more than just having a strong and healthy body-though that is something we should all enjoy. True health also includes a strong spirit and soul. It is when our spirits are full and our minds are strong that living a healthy lifestyle becomes easy.

God's desire for all of us is life, peace and joy in every area . No matter who you are, where you are in life, or what fitness level you are at, there is always room for improvement-you can always go higher. We simply can not exhaust God's ability to make us better. Marty believes with all of her heart that God has called her team and herself to equip you and your family with what you need to go higher, spirit soul and body.

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