Healing provides opportunities to share the gospel with the unsaved. Before a person can respond to the gospel, we must first gain their attention. In this world of pain and heartache, healing secures one’s attention and quickly establishes the validity of God’s Word.
Miracle Following Resurrection
The first evangelistic meeting after the resurrection started with a healing. The miracle healing of the lame man at the gate Beautiful opened the door for 5,000 to be saved.
So he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them…walking, leaping, and praising God. And all the people saw him walking and praising God. Then they knew that it was he who sat begging alms at the Beautiful Gate of the temple; and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.
Now as the lame man who was healed held on to Peter and John, all the people ran together to them in the porch which is called Solomon’s, greatly amazed.
(Acts 3:8-11)However, many of those who heard the word believed; and the number of the men came to be about five thousand.
(Acts 4:4)
Let’s look at the actions of Peter and John:
- They were doing a normal activity—the miracle happened outside the church.
- They took notice of the man and spoke to him. They took the initiative to offer healing.
- They weren’t side-tracked by the initial need of money.
- They gave what they had—The Word of God and the power of the name of Jesus.
- They spoke with authority.
The Methods Haven’t Changed!
The method of reaching the world hasn’t changed.
Jesus ministered by:
- Teaching
- Preaching
- Healing
The twelve were sent out to:
- Preach
- Heal
- Cleanse
- Raise the dead
- Cast out demons
The seventy were sent out to:
- Heal the sick
- Tell them, “The kingdom of heaven has come.”
We are commissioned to:
- Go and preach
- Cast out demons
- Speak with new tongues
- Lay hands on the sick
Healing is not only available to those who believe. Jesus wants us to minister healing to the unsaved so they will know the Word is true and be saved!
Excerpt permission granted by Powerhouse Publishing
Ambassador Dr. A.L. Gill is an apostle to the nations and a number-one best-selling author and publisher with over twenty million of his books in print around the world. Dr. Gills first book, Gods Promises for Your Every Need alone has reportedly sold over 20 million copies in its various editions.
He was recently appointed as a Goodwill Ambassador for the Golden Rule by the Interfaith Peace-Building Initiative.
His teaching and training materials in books, manuals, audios and videos are in tremendous demand. His manuals are available in twenty-three languages. His ten-hour, International School of Ministry video course, Supernatural Living and Healing through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, is available in almost 70 languages. Already, over 300 thousand believers have been trained in over 15,000 training sites in about 150 nations.
Dr. Gills ministry travels have taken him to close to 90 nations, establishing churches, Kingdom Training Centers, and preaching to crowds of hundreds of thousands. Through his apostolic ministry, he is known as a "Spiritual Father" to ministries and churches around the world.
He is known for his miracle ministry, and for his practical life-changing preaching and teaching of the Word of God. His teaching, through manuals, video and audio courses are Jesus-centered, Word-based, faith-filled and taught in the power of the Holy Spirit and in the love and compassion of Jesus.
Dr. Gill has both an earned Masters and a Doctor of Philosophy in Theology and an Honorary PhD in Society and Human Rights. His preaching and teaching of the Word is continually being confirmed with many remarkable signs, wonders and healing miracles. He has served on the leadership staff of two of the largest churches in America and while serving with the Osteens was the Founding Director of the Bible Training Center at Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas.