Heaven Is Calling You

by Rory Synoground | Uncategorized

So then brethren, consecrated and set apart for God, who share in the heavenly calling, (thoughtfully and attentively) consider Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest Whom we confessed (as ours when we embraced the Christian faith).
(Heb. 3:1 AMP)

All of Heaven is calling you to the Father’s side—to be FREE. To come to a place where the promises of God are manifesting in your life. This call is a call to freedom…to truth…to life.

This freedom is a life of peace, prosperity, security, love, joy, success, and healing. We are to partake of this calling, and then to proclaim this freedom to the world. Today is the day of salvation! Today is the day to be FREE!

But I want you to know something; there is an enemy that will stand in front of you in order to block you from walking in your freedom.

The enemy will use every natural circumstance that this world has to offer, and every temptation that is common to man to deter, and prevent you from walking in your freedom that is found in Christ.

In Matthew 14:22-36 we read about an event that illustrates this point. Jesus had received the call of God to go to the other side of a lake. There, God would perform great miracles, souls would receive salvation; healings and the very life of God Himself would be manifested.

In order for these people to receive this freedom from God, Jesus and the disciples had to obey and follow after this call. They had to take part, and share in this heavenly calling. So Jesus instructed His disciples to go to the other side of the lake.

There they would be proclaiming the Gospel of Freedom. There the Father’s promises would be manifested. So while the disciples got in a boat and began sailing to the other side, we read where Jesus stayed behind to pray.

Yet the whole time He was praying we see Him watching over the disciples as they were making this journey. Jesus is like that today. He is watching over you, interceding for you on a daily bases.

He is watching over you as you take this journey through life, and is ever ready to help you when the storms of life try to knock you off course. As the disciples were crossing the lake, the wind and sea came against them, to prevent them from reaching the other side.

We need to realize that the devil, who is the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4), will stir up trying circumstances to prevent us from possessing the call of Heaven, and from obtaining the promises of God in our lives. He will attempt to do anything and everything in these last days to bring discouragement, heartache, and pain to prevent you from walking in you purchased freedom, to get your eyes off of the heavenly calling of rescuing souls to the Kingdom of God.

Copyright © Rory Synoground Ministries International
All rights reserved. Used by permission.

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Rory called by God to "Heal The Brokenhearted" (Luke 4:18) by being "A Voice of Freedom." (John 8:31-32). Rory graduated St. Cloud State University in the spring of 1994. That fall he attended Rhema Bible Training Center. After graduating Rhema, in 1996, Rory established the evangelistic ministry of Rory Synoground Ministries International.

In the year 2002 opened The Voice of Freedom Prayer & Healing Center as an extended ministry outreach of RSMI

Soon after in 2003 Rory founded RORY SYNOGROUND PUBLICATIONS a publication company that inspires hope and faith to thousands all over the world.

In 2006 Rory pioneered FREEDOM CHRISTIAN CENTER, which was located in Austin MN.

Rory is evangelistic in nature with a prophetic and teaching anointing accompanying his ministry. Rory ministers a bold uncompromised Word from the Lord, and prays for the sick. Through this ministry thousands of people have prayed the prayer of salvation, and have experienced medically supported healings.

Rory & his wife Amelia have 5 children.

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