“(God) wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the Truth” (1 Tim. 2:4).
A “WorldChanger” is someone with vision. Vision is stimulated and stirred up by the Word of God. This Scripture exposes one of the most essential passions in the heart of God – that everyone would be saved and come to a knowledge of the Truth.
When God says all, He means all. He won’t be satisfied with just a few people; He wants all people.
This vision inspires “WorldChangers”. They constantly look for ways to be used by God to affect all people. They pray about it. They think about it. They want to do something to attain God’s ultimate goal of reaching all people.
You need to let this Scripture get underneath your skin. You need to let it start beating in your heart so that in every realm of life – missions, your hometown, school and work – you start seeing God’s heart and compassion for all people.
Everything you do or say will come from the fact that God wants all people to be saved.
First Timothy 2:4 is not just a neat little Scripture that happens to be in the Bible. It’s the very heartbeat and passion of the living God. There is nobody beyond His reach and nobody He doesn’t want to reach. There is nobody that His Son’s blood wasn’t shed for.
As a “WorldChanger”, you see and embrace that and extend your vision to be enveloped in God’s vision that all people will be saved. Begin now to pray for people you see every day to be saved.
Excerpt permission granted by Teen Mania Ministries
Ron Luce was the co-founder and president of Teen Mania Ministries from 1986-2015. Ron and his wife Katie dreamed to raise young people who would change the world.
Ron received his bachelor's degree in Psychology and Theology from Oral Roberts University and his master's in Counseling Psychology from the University of Tulsa, along with an honorary doctorate from Jerry Falwell of Liberty University. He is a sought-after speaker who has traveled to more than 60 countries and has made numerous media appearances, such as Dr. James Dobson's Focus on the Family radio broadcast, CNN, The O'Reilly Factor, ABC Nightline, The 700 Club, Trinity Broadcasting Network, and the Sean Hannity Show. Ron has also written 35 books for teens, youth pastors, and parents and continues to speak at leaders' conferences helping parents and pastors understand the plight of today's youth and showing them how all of us can be part of the solution.
Ron and Katie currently live in Garden Valley, Texas, with their son Cameron. They have two daughters, Hannah and Charity.