The Healing Hand of Compassion

by Lynne Hammond | Devotions for the Praying Heart

And Jesus, moved with compassion, put forth his hand, and touched him, and saith unto him, I will; be thou clean. And as soon as he had spoken, immediately the leprosy departed from him, and he was cleansed.
Mark 1:41 – 42 KJV

One thing that blesses me about Jesus’ words to the leper is that He didn’t just say them in a cold, matter-of-fact way. According to the Bible, He was moved with compassion when He said them. His heart was so full of love for the leper that He actually reached out and touched him.

Can you imagine what Jesus’ touch must have meant to that man? He had lived his life as a pariah. He’d been shunned and despised and avoided by everyone. No healthy human being had reached out to him for who knows how many years.

Why would this beautiful Messiah put His perfect hand on my dangerous and decaying flesh? He must have wondered. Why would He ignore conventional wisdom and religious rules and touch me?

In truth, Jesus couldn’t help it. He was so grieved by the leper’s words “If you are willing …” that He had to reach out and express His love. It hurt Him to realize that this desperate and dying man didn’t know that He cared about him enough to heal him.

God feels the same kind of grief today when we say, “Lord, please heal me, if it be Thy will.” If you doubt it, think of a natural father standing by the bedside of an ailing child holding the medicine that is guaranteed to cure him. Imagine how it would hurt his heart to hear his little one say, “Daddy, I see that you have what you need to heal me. But are you willing to give it to me? Do you want me to live or die?”

Such questions would bring sorrow even to an earthly father. How much more must it sadden the heart of our perfectly good, ever merciful and loving Heavenly Father! Healing is part of His very character. He could never withhold it from us. He delights to heal us because He loves us so much.

People who don’t believe that don’t really know Him. They may be saved but they don’t really know His heart because anybody who does could never believe that sickness is His will.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is as moved by compassion now toward us as He was when He reached out His hand and touched the leper. He still heals because He still loves. And He always will.

Scripture Reading: Mark 1:32 – 45

Source: Devotions for the Praying Heart by Lynne Hammond.
Excerpt permission granted by Lynne Hammond Ministries

On the chilly March night in 1972 when Lynne Hammond took her first step into a life of Spirit-led prayer, she had no idea what was about to happen. All she knew was the hunger in her heart for God wouldn’t let her sleep. In the few short months she’d been born again, her desire to fellowship with Him had grown so strong she could hardly contain it. “Help me, God!” she cried. “I want to know you. I want to be able to talk to you. Please, teach me to pray!”

Suddenly, a heavenly presence flooded the room. Lynne sensed waves of spiritual fire sweeping over her and a beautiful language began to flow like a river from within her. Although she’d never heard of the baptism of the Holy Spirit, she knew instantly, without a doubt—this was God!

What began that night soon blossomed into a life of prayer that ultimately became a ministry of prayer when, in 1980, Lynne and her husband, Mac, founded Living Word Christian Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Under Lynne’s leadership, the prayer ministry at Living Word has become an internationally recognized model for developing effective pray-ers in the local church.

A teacher and an author, Lynne publishes a newsletter called Prayer Notes, has written numerous books, and currently serves as the national prayer director for Daughters for Zion. Her passion for inspiring and leading others into the life of Spirit-led prayer continues to take her around the world to minister to believers whose heart cry, like hers, is “Lord, teach me to pray!”

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